Sunday, December 29, 2019

Unit 38International Business D2 - 1300 Words

Task 2c: Evaluate the impact of cultural differences on international business performance in the international market D2 In your evaluation you must consider how issues such as health, welfare, social considerations, environmental issues and belief system Environmental issues that affect their business operation include industrial waste, sustainable development of raw materials and water and air emissions. Most times when businesses are trading internationally, these issues affect business because the laws in which they operate sometimes require businesses to change equipment they use and adjust their former procedures to meet imposed standards, which sometimes is at a financial expense to the business. NNPC takes on a stricter†¦show more content†¦People living in communities around they oil area are also at risk Employees on vessels close to where the oil plumes are surfacing are at the greatest risk of coming into contact with concentrated chemical dispersants and toxic vapours such as benzene, one of the volatile hydrocarbons in oil. The thousands of volunteers and federal workers who are cleaning up oil that has already weathered and lost many of its most toxic volatile compounds may still be exposed to toxins — particularly if they remove protective gear or do not have sufficient training in handling toxic substances Almost hundreds of employees have been hospitalized due to oil spill related health problems, according to the Nigerian state health department. And while some say chemicals in the oil itself are to blame, others speculate chemicals called dispersants being used to break up the massive slick could be playing a role. Fumes in heavily oiled area can also affect the community and there is widespread concern that some workers are not being given sufficient safety equipment, including respirators — and volunteers, who may not have as much training or experience as hired workers, could be in the greatest danger. So far, more than 400 oil-exposureShow MoreRelatedunit 38 Accounting2172 Words   |  9 PagesUnit 38 Business and the Economic EnvironmentLearner name Assessor nameSameeha Hussain/Antonio ZarroDate unit issuedUnit DeadlineDate unit submitted by student27/01/1419/04/14 Criteria referenceTo achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able toAsst Task no. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Negative Effects Of Social Media - 1743 Words

Social media is one of the most widespread methods of communication and interaction worldwide. While social media comes in various forms, they all tend to share the same motive: Encourage the public socialize. Most would wonder how this could be such a bad thing and see very few problems relating to social media. Others see right through the illusion of the LED screen. The public can easily hide behind a keyboard without threat of confrontation for their words or actions on the internet. Anything and everything can be said and they will not be faulted. Social media is more detrimental to users than advantageous due to the allowance of freedom to insult, bully and threaten others without fear of punishment or consequence; cyberbullying†¦show more content†¦In addition, ten percent of high school teens in Japan have opened up about being harassed online, while twenty-five to twenty-nine teens were harassed in Spain. Twenty-eight percent of middle school and high school users h ave experienced cyberbullying at some point or another. Seventy-five percent of girls with diminished self esteem engage in cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, eating disorders. However, the most appalling statistic is that eighty-seven percent, highest numbered statistic listed, of high school teens witness cyberbullying. Witness as in observing, gawking and failing to take action against. They are merely spectators that just watch as others are being brutally attacked in front of everybody they know and some they do not. Most of those on social media that feel personally victimized often feel unwanted, which can lead to dangerous psychological health. One would think the obvious solution would be to block any hostile users with an offensive nature; however, in the mind of the victim, nobody wants to be talked about and they would much rather see what is being aforementioned about them rather than not knowing at all and being forced to wonder. Bullying, cyber or other wise, is linked to poor academics, health deterioration and even criminal acts. Social media can cause victimization, as well as making users uneasy when they are unable to access their accounts. Contributions to low self esteem at the fault of social mediaShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1648 Words   |  7 Pages I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. In my middle school days I’ve experienced the negative effects of social media, Now when I say social media, I’m referring to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. By me being very active on social media I’ve been taunted, teased, threatened and harassed along with having low- self esteem and some suicidal thoughts . According to a recent study in the JAMA pediatrics, 23% of teens report they are or have been the target of cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1117 Words   |  5 PagesNegative impact of social media to the society. Addictiveness. Right off the bat, Teens are exceptionally subject to their gadgets in light of the fact that separated from schoolwork they are experts at spending the small hours of the night stuck to any electronic gadgets sharing, tuning in to music and different things youngsters are occupied with. Addiction usually refers to compulsive behavior that leads to negative effects. In most addictions, people feel compelled to do certain activities atRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1509 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing millennials, social media is as natural to the people of today as breathing or drinking water. Social media is a â€Å"series of websites and applications that have been designed to allow people to share content and communicate with each other quickly and efficiently† (â€Å"What is Social Media, 2017). A few people have a more confined perspective of social media likening it to mean the same as interacting on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. The p ower of social media is such that, theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1350 Words   |  6 Pagestoday’s society, social media is an important tool that many people use daily for various purposes. On social media, people share their opinions, events in their lives, and news. They also use social media as a tool for entertainment and as a way of keeping in touch with their friends. Because of its various uses, the use of social media increased very significantly over the years and it is no surprise that many scholars from different disciplines took an interest in the use of social media. These scholarsRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1517 Words   |  7 Pages What is Social Media? As stated on, social media is â€Å"websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts†. There are a huge variety of social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, and YouTube. As our technology gets more and more advanced and new devices come out, social media itself is growing as well. 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Although many may argue that social media pertains to be useful, there prove to be more harmful aspects rather than helpful aspects of these media sites. These effects are not only psychological, but they may also be physical. Not only do social networks cause depression, anxiety, and cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1716 Words   |  7 PagesTwitter, Instagram, and many other social media sites, these changed the way that we communicate with one another. Social platforms allow people to share events of their own lives, through posting photos, leaving comments, updating their status, and many others. For example, â€Å"As of today, there are a little over 322 million people that live in the United States, 64% of whom own a smartphone. This means that approximately 206 million people have access to social media, anywhere at any time. FurthermoreRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1743 Words   |  7 Pagesthese people are on their social media accounts. According to Brooke Lusk, the database and media manager for the Prevention Researcher, social media can be defined as, â€Å"an aspect of the internet which allows individuals and groups to create and publish online content, share the content, and interact about it.† These days, people are very involved with the internet and social media. Some think this is a benefit while others think this is a detriment for many reasons. Social media allows people to stayRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1064 Words   |  5 PagesA Negative Collage of Social Media Today in everyday life we all have some sort of device. We all possess access to social media in some way, shape or form. Social media plays a huge part of everyone’s life. We constantly look at our phones on every beep. We read every post on Facebook. We never thought how that affects the youth and with them following us, who knows what they might find on the World Wide Web. Social media in the hands of the youth can have devastating effects, even adults

Friday, December 13, 2019

Preventing The Spread Of Hpv Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(77) " more inauspicious than those of birth control \( unwritten preventives \) \." The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, states, â€Å" Genital human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common sexually familial infection † ( What is HPV? ) . In fact, harmonizing to The American Social Health Association ( ASHA ) , â€Å" 6 million new venereal HPV instances occur each twelvemonth, about 1/3 of all new Sexually Transmitted Disease ( STD ) infections † ( Learn About HPV Fast Facts ) . Not merely does HPV infect the venereal countries of males and females, HPV can besides infect the oral cavity and pharynx. We will write a custom essay sample on Preventing The Spread Of Hpv Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now HPV can be contracted during vaginal and anal sex and may besides be passed on during unwritten sex and genital-to-genital contact. This means condom usage entirely does non protect an person against the disease. What is spoting about the disease is it can be passed from one person to the following even when the septic individual has no marks or symptoms. Furthermore, a individual can hold HPV even if several old ages have passed since he or she had sexual contact with an septic individual. â€Å" Most septic individuals do non recognize they are infected or that they are go throughing the virus on to a sex spouse † ( What is HPV? ) . In 2006, the pharmaceutical company Merck introduced Gardasil, a vaccinum to protect against four types of HPV. Harmonizing to the information found on the Gardasil web site, â€Å" In misss and immature adult females ages 9-26, Gardasil protects against two types of HPV that cause cervical malignant neoplastic disease and two more that cause venereal warts. In male childs and immature work forces ages 9-26, it protects against venereal warts † ( Gardasil ) . This vaccinum caused rather a contention as Merck has recommended that kids the age of 11 would be the most good group to have the vaccinum since they are most likely yet to be sexually active. Many parents have been uncomfortable with the thought of immunising their kid ( ren ) against what most see merely a sexually familial disease or infection ( STI ) . However, some provinces discussed doing it compulsory with Texas making so in 2007. While an person will have the full benefits of the vaccinum if inoculated before go ing sexually active, the vaccinum can still be effectual even if given after a individual becomes sexually active. Ideally, all 50 provinces will do the vaccinum mandatary. To guarantee these inoculations are being given, there is another group of persons that should be required to acquire the vaccinum or demo cogent evidence of holding received it. With so many college pupils sexually active and half of sexually active people transporting HPV it is imperative for persons come ining their first twelvemonth of college or university to demo cogent evidence of the Gardasil inoculation. When Gardasil was introduced, it proved effectual in forestalling two strains of HPV linked to cervical malignant neoplastic disease and two strains linked to venereal warts. Specifically, the promotional web site for Gardasil says, â€Å" Gardasil is the lone HPV vaccinum that helps protect against four types of HPV. In misss and immature adult females ages 9-26, Gardasil helps protect against two types of HPV that cause about 75 % of cervical malignant neoplastic disease instances, and two more types that cause 90 % of venereal warts instances. † The vaccinum is besides available to males. â€Å" In male childs and immature work forces ages 9-26, Gardasil helps protect against 90 % of venereal warts instances † ( What is Gardasil? ) When Gardasil was introduced, it was available merely to immature misss and adult females. This can make rather the societal shame on a immature adult female who wants to protect herself. It fundamentally puts the load of forestalling venereal warts on females. Now, adult females entirely do n’t hold to keep the duty. In 2009, the Gardasil vaccinum became available to work forces. As Shobha Krishnan, M.D. points out in her interview with the American Social Health Association ( ASHA ) , â€Å" it ‘s good to include work forces in HPV vaccinum plans because making so means that HPV is n’t seen as merely a adult female ‘s infection, so adult females entirely do n’t bear all of the stigma † ( The HPV Vaccine Controversy: Sexual activity, Cancer, God, and Politicss: An Interview With Shobha Krishnan, M.D. ) . Work force can have the exact same vaccinum that adult females do. This is highly of import because it is estimated that in the United States , each minute, there is a new instance of venereal warts. Two out of three people will acquire venereal warts after holding any sort of venereal contact with person infected. Genital warts, harmonizing to the CDC, normally appear as a little bump or group of bumps in the venereal country. They can be little or big, raised or level, or shaped like Brassica oleracea botrytis. Health attention suppliers can name warts by looking at the venereal country during an office visit. Warts can look within hebdomads or months after sexual contact with an septic spouse – even if the septic spouse has no marks of venereal warts. If left untreated, venereal warts might travel off, remain unchanged, or increase in size or figure. Rarely, these types of HPV can besides do warts in the pharynx – a status called perennial respiratory papillomastosis ( RRP ) . These warts can sometimes barricade the air passage, doing a gruff voice or troubled external respiration. It bears reiterating, an person does non hold to hold intercourse with an septic individual to acquire venereal warts because rubbers do non cover the full venereal country. In fact, because HPV is so common, it ‘s difficult to avoid wholly. If adult females and work forces come ining college who have n’t received the vaccinum are required to make so, this could greatly diminish the figure of instances of venereal warts. The load of HPV should n’t fall merely on adult females ; a good comparing to do would be the vaccinum versus unwritten preventives, or birth control pills. The side effects of Gardasil are truly no more inauspicious than those of birth control ( unwritten preventives ) . You read "Preventing The Spread Of Hpv Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Harmonizing to ASHA, the CDC and FDA found the figure of blood coagulums in those who ‘ve been vaccinated is approximately the same as found in those who take birth control pills, as is the figure of people with progressive muscular failing. Harmonizing to WebMD, there are side effects of birth control pills although the bulk are non serious. They include nausea, weight addition, sore or conceited chests, little sums of blood between periods, lighter periods, temper alterations. The undermentioned side effects are less common but more serious: abdominal hurting, thorax hurting, concerns, oculus jobs, swelling and/or hurting in the legs and thighs. In add-on, you should non take hormonal preventives if you have had blood coagulums, bosom or liver disease, or malignant neoplastic disease of the chest or womb ( Nihira ) There is no more of a menace to a adult female having the Gardasil vaccinum than there is birth control. Sing that most adult females are taking an unwritten preventive to forestall an unwanted gestation, it would be prudent to besides desire to protect oneself from a disease that can take to unwanted malignant neoplastic disease. In fact, more and more adult females are making more to protect themselves, non merely from gestation, but from sexual diseases every bit good. Harmonizing to Kathleen Doheny in her article for The Washington Post, â€Å" from 1995 to 2002, the per centum of American adult females who said they received prophylactic services rose from 34 to 41 % . Overall, the per centum of adult females having all sexual and generative wellness attention services – including non merely birth control but besides such services as STD ( Sexually Transmitted Diseases ) testing and Pap trials – remained changeless at 74 % , the study found † ( Doheny ) . As the statistic shows, 74 % of adult females receive Pap trials, which can be an early sensor of cervical malignant neoplastic disease. But why non take it one measure further and protect yourself against the virus that can do it? Doctors do urge contending off cervical malignant neoplastic disease with regular Pap trials, which has helped extenuate the instances of cervical malignant neoplastic disease. But, for those people that are sexually active, and 56 % of college pupils are, the Gardasil vaccinum would be merely another method for protection. In the same manner a adult female on the birth control pill should still utilize a rubber with her spouse, a sexually active college pupil should utilize rubbers and be vaccinated to assist forestall HPV related diseases. As mentioned above, side effects are an issue sing this vaccinum every bit good. In July 2008, simply two old ages after the vaccinum was released, Sharyl Attkisson did an fact-finding study for CBS News, Vaccine Watch: Gardasil Side Effects? In her article she spoke to households of immature adult females who believe the Gardasil HPV Vaccine may hold – or did in fact – do their kid ‘s serious unwellness. In one instance, a immature adult female who received the vaccinum subsequently developed Autoimmune Myofasciitis. She is now a inveterate sick individual, â€Å" who takes a smattering of pills a twenty-four hours merely to maintain her unwellness tolerable † ( Attkisson ) . A twelvemonth subsequently in August 2009, Radha Chitale wrote a study for ABC News called, CDC Report Stirs Controversy for Merck ‘s Gardasil Vaccine. This study links â€Å" 32 unconfirmed deceases and shows higher incidences of fainting and blood coagulums than other vaccinums † ( Chitale ) . There will ever be side effects and possible inauspicious effects associated with vaccinums. Side effects occur instantly after the injection. Merck indicates on the Gardasil web site that â€Å" common side effects include hurting, swelling, rubing, bruising, and inflammation at the injection side, concern, giddiness, emesis, and fainting † ( Gardasil ) . Adverse effects occur hebdomads subsequently and may or may non be a consequence of the vaccinum and other factors could come into drama. Thirty-two deceases associated with a vaccinum are nil to price reduction, but in the whole strategy of things there is n’t anything unusual about this. At this clip over 16 million doses of Gardasil have been distributed in the United States. Harmonizing to the CDC, â€Å" given the big figure of doses distributed, it is expected that by opportunity entirely, serious inauspicious events and some deceases will be reported in this big population during the clip period following inoc ulations † ( Information from FDA and CDC on Gardasil and its Safety ) . In fact, both the CDC and the Federal Drug and Food Administration, or FDA, monitors the safety of all vaccinums through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS. â€Å" As of June 30, 2008, there have been 9,749 VAERS studies of inauspicious events following Gardasil Vaccination. Of these, 94 % were classified as studies of non-serious events, and 6 % serious events † ( Information from FDA and CDC on Gardasil and its Safety ) . As of this study, 20 deceases were to hold been caused by the Gardasil vaccinum, but this does n’t intend that a common form was created. And, â€Å" in instances where necropsy, decease certifications and medical records were available, the cause of decease was explained by factors other than the vaccinum † ( Information from FDA and CDC on Gardasil and its Safety ) . ABC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Timothy Johnson provinces, â€Å" I am really much in favour of childhood vaccinums, [ but ] I do n’t believe we yet know the long term benefits or hazards. I ‘m taking a base on balls on this 1 † ( Chitale ) . Typically when a vaccinum is released, many people are dying to have it. Think of the Flu or H1N1, we are so willing to protect ourselves against these societal diseases that are easy dispersed. Many people were even willing to stand in line for hours to have the vaccinum. In fact, most colleges and universities require pupils to be immunized against some diseases. For illustration, â€Å" The University of Nebraska at Omaha ( UNO ) follows the Center for Disease Control and Preventions ‘ recommendation for immunisation. To forestall the possibility of a rubeolas outbreak happening, UNO requires that all new ( including transportation and alumnus ) pupils show cogent evidence of immunisation or unsusceptibility † ( Pre-Enrollment Health Requirement ) . The purpose to protect pupils from rubeolas, a disease that seldom affects grownups in the United States, should be the same for protecting pupils against HPV. Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ‘s web site, â€Å" in 2008, there were 164,000 rubeolas deceases globally. † However, harmonizing to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases ‘ web site, â€Å" of the 140 reported confirmed instances of rubeolas [ in the United States ] reported in 2008, about 25 % occurred among grownups † ( Measles ) . It should be noted that, â€Å" College and university pupils are at increased hazard for rubeolas, and should have two doses of the MMR vaccinum to guarantee equal protection † ( Measles ) . But as the 2008 statistic shows, the instances of rubeolas are rather minimum. â€Å" Most instances of rubeolas in the United States now result from infections acquired in other states or are linked to such imported instances † ( World Health Organization, Measles ) . It should besides be noted that the figure of kids in the universe having one dosage of the rubeolas vaccinum is up 11 % , from 72 % in 2000 to 83 % in 2008. While the figure of people having the vaccinum is traveling up, rubeolas is still a really contagious virus. With so many people on college and university campuses in close contact with one another, particularly the residence halls, it merely makes sense to necessitate a pupil show cogent evidence of inoculation for entry. While non transmitted sexually, rubeolas is a societal disease. Just being in the same room as the septic individual can infect a individual. But as mentioned above, in 2008 entirely, merely 25 % of 140 grownups were confirmed to hold rubeolas. Compare that to the 6 million new instances of HPV each twelvemonth. Based on those Numberss, a university or college pupil is more likely to develop HPV than they are rubeolas. Furthermore, with rubeolas, the symptoms come on rapidly and a individual can rapidly travel to the physician to have the proper attention. In the instance of HPV it ‘s non even cognize how many of these instances turn to venereal warts. After reaching the Nebraska Department for Health and Human Services to happen a statistic for the figure of instances of venereal warts, I was told this was untraceable. Since the symptoms of HPV can put hibernating for old ages, it is prudent that university and college pupils protect themselves, and each other from something that is so easy spread. It ‘s of import to indicate out that even though most instances of cervical malignant neoplastic disease derive from HPV, any adult female can acquire cervical malignant neoplastic disease. Harmonizing to The Cancer Sourcebook for Women, â€Å" the uterine neck is the lower portion of the womb that connects to the vagina. It is portion of the female generative system. † ( Sutton, 59 ) It takes a long clip for cervical malignant neoplastic disease to develop and it goes through many stages before the malignant neoplastic disease really appears. â€Å" The cells of the neck go through alterations known as dysplasia, in which unnatural cells begin to look in the cervical tissue. Later, malignant neoplastic disease cells start to turn and distribute more deeply into the neck and to environing countries. † ( Sutton, 59 ) HPV is the primary factor for cervical malignant neoplastic disease, but non the lone factor. Cervical malignant neoplastic disease is n’t needfully related to person ‘s sexual history. Meaning, a individual does non hold to be sexually active to acquire it. No 1 wants malignant neoplastic disease, no affair what sort it is. In fact, there is a large push in this state to free society of malignant neoplastic disease, to happen a remedy. There is non merely an full month dedicated to the cause of chest malignant neoplastic disease, one can probably happen activities or fundraisers throughout the twelvemonth to raise money and consciousness for the disease. Cancer should n’t be discriminated against. And with promotions in scientific discipline everyday, we should take advantage of any chance given to forestall the disease. â€Å" In 2006, 11,982 adult females in the United States were told they have cervical malignant neoplastic disease, and 3,976 died from the disease † ( Cervical Cancer ) . Besides, there is no information available at this clip, b ut potentially, work forces received Gardasil can protect themselves from signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease related to HPV every bit good ; anal and penial malignant neoplastic disease. This is still being researched. To sum up, contending HPV and its subsequent diseases should non be left to adult females entirely. Men, excessively, can assist to forestall the spread of venereal warts and malignant neoplastic disease. College adult females and work forces can be responsible for what could potentially be the terminal of an untraceable STI and besides cut down the figure of malignant neoplastic disease instances. Furthermore, Gardasil is no more harmful than birth control, a widely accepted prescription medical specialty. If 74 % of adult females are willing to be tested for cervical malignant neoplastic disease and at the same clip protect themselves from unwanted gestations, 100 % of college and university pupils need to assist prevent malignant neoplastic disease and venereal warts. True, there are some inauspicious effects linked to the vaccinum, the Federal Food and Drug Administration, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, have proved the overall safety of the vaccinum. There will ever be inauspicious effects associated with any vaccinum. There is nil outside of the norm for Gardasil. Not merely is the vaccinum safe, but besides people should n’t see it as a vaccinum against a sexually familial disease. College and university pupils are required to protect themselves against societal diseases such as the rubeolas. Since most pupils receive the rubeolas vaccine at a immature age, the hurt of rubeolas has been mitigated. In fact, a college or university pupil is less likely to acquire rubeolas than they are HPV, thanks in portion to a vaccinum. The Gardasil vaccinum should be viewed as any other vaccinum, necessary to halt a societal disease. Above all, if there is an chance to diminish the instances of malignant neoplastic disease and the figure of people deceasing from it, immature people should take advantage of that. At this point in clip, this is the closest thing to a remedy. Furthermore, since cervical malignant neoplastic disease can impact every adult female, non merely those that are sexually active, Gardasil should non be viewed as a vaccinum for merely a sexually familial disease. With so many college pupils sexually active and half of sexually active people transporting HPV it is imperative for persons come ining their first twelvemonth of college to demo cogent evidence of the Gardasil inoculation. If a pupil can non demo cogent evidence, they should be required to acquire inoculated before entry into the college/university is granted. While having the shootings at age 11 or before a individual becomes sexually active would be the most good, college and university pupils should be held accountable. The most of import thing to retrieve is that as a society we have an chance to extinguish a serious disease and extenuate a really common societal disease. How to cite Preventing The Spread Of Hpv Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Customs and Practices in Kadazan Society of Malaysia

Question: What are the Kadazan death Customs and other Practices that may involve in the Ceremonial? Answer: Introduction The report is an article review of the cultural heritage tourism of the Malaysia and Sabah. The report has been described the importance of the customs, practices and ritual in the tourism of the country. It is important to protect the cultural and heritage of Kadazan traditional practices and rituals in funerals. For the discussion, the cultural heritage tourism of Malaysia and Sabah has been taken in this report. In starting, the problem statement, research issue and research objectives has been highlighted and the significance of the study has been described. From the review of the first part, the definition of the cultural heritage tourism has been given in the report. The cultural heritage tourism can be described as the travel to gain experience of people, place, activities and things which represents the past and present of the cultural, natural and historic resources (Mohamed Rani, Othman Ahmad, 2014). Based on a study, it has been observed that in USA, there were around 78% travelers who were involved in the activities of cultural and heritage tourism. Along with this, it also has been observed that they spend more time in such areas as compared to other travelers. Heritage can be categorized into two resources i.e. tangible immovable resources and tangible movable resources. Tangible immovable resources include natural areas, rivers and buildings and tangible movable resources include documents in achieves and objects in museum. This report has been basically discussed about the importance of cultural heritage in the Malaysian tourism industry (Norhasimah, Tarmiji Azizul , 2014). Methodology and Discussion of Findings Malaysia is the multi-racial country having the rich cultural heritage. In the history of Malaysia, the culture is meeting and mixing since starting of tourism sector. There are various formats in which the cultural heritage of the country has been recorded. Those formats are sculptures, artifacts, traditional motifs, design on the jewelers and textiles and manuscripts which depict the cultural heritage. These formats are kept safe in museums, art galleries, libraries and cultural centers (Tourism Malaysia. 2015). There are 13 states in the country and Sabah is one of them. Sabah provides diverse experience of traveling to the travelers as the state has numerous ethnic culture. There are various form of culture having distinctive ways of village, dance, festivals, music, living as well as unique handicrafts. There is the largest ethnic group in Sabah named KadazanDusan Ethnic in which 30% population of Sabah belongs. Due to unique and variety of culture, Kadazan is very famous ethnic culture in Sabah. Kadazan has its own cultures and regulations from the point of birth to death which need to be documented. Behind this, Kadazan has its own identity and objective (Bahauddin, 2014). Research Issues and Objective It is necessary to preserve the cultural heritage in the tourism industry for every country. There are many studies conducted related to sustainable tourism which involve the cultural heritage elements. In the study, they touch cultural importance and heritage preservation in the tourism. Cultural heritage is the main point of attraction in the tourism of every country. There are many studies that are founded related to traditional customs and practices in the death incidence. In case of Sabah, it is difficult to find out proper sources for this study. The research objectives of the study are to identify the death practices and customs in Kadazan and to identify the customs involved in the death practices of the Kadazan (Bahar, et al, 2012). 1.Kadazan Death Practices and Customs According to the research, the rituals bridge the gaps between past, present and future. Death and dead are the necessary aspect of the society and the study of death can provide the knowledge about the structure of historical societies. In the Kadazan society, the community practiced seven days rituals on a death event. The death event is announced by hitting a metal instrument named gong or Dunsai. The green vegetables should not be served during all the seven days. Based on the Kadazan rituals, funeral will be on third day. The main aim of the research is to identify the importance of Kadazan practices and customs as well as to recognize the rituals involved in the death ceremony (Vyshka, 2010). Methodology For the study of Kadazan customs and practices, the quantitative methods have been used. The researchers have taken the interviews of those people who belong to that area. For this research, the sample of the interview of respondents has been collected which include six members of Kadazan society. The respondents were divided in to two catagories, two are the Bobohizan or the member of the Kadazan society and four are thee relatives of Bobohizans. They are the witness of the Kadazan customs and practices. The interview was held based on their knowledge and their preffered location. The respondednts were told that their interview will be recorded. Table 1: Data of Respondents Findings Based on their answers and information, researchers was able to find out many interesting information related to the Kadazan customs and practices. There are various Kadazan customs and practices from the moment of death. Based on the findings, it has been observed that there would be grieving for seven days. Within those seven days, there are three days which are important according to the respondent. Those are Momohobong (day 3), Momisok (day 6) and Mogukas (Day 7) which are stressed out by the respondents. By some inputs of the respondents, the details of these important days are got by the researchers. There were some respondents who gave detailed knowledge and information about the customs and rituals (Subramaniam, 2010). Based on the findings and response given by the respondents, Momohobong is the other name of funeral. At this point, the rituals and traditions are performed by the widow. In this act, the widow slightly kicks the coffin which was brought out from the house of burial. After this, another widowed does the tradition of cleansing by splashing the water from a bamboo on the floor where the coffin was placed. After this, another widowed comes to clean the floor by Ixora plant. It is the assumption that may every bad thing in the house will be obscured. The custom of Momisok is take place on the sixth day of grief. In this, the act of switching lights for 20 to 30 minutes takes place after the sunset. The aim of this ritual is to invite that spiritual to come in the house for the last time. The entire family prepares food with the assumption that it is the last food of that spirit in the home. This data was also collected the book of Lasimbang (2014) named Kadazan culture (Lasimbang, 2014). Mogukas is the last day of grief. In this act, it is shown that the family is moving on from that lost and trying to let him or her go. It is a tough act of throwing the burning of that person. With this, the family believes that the lost loved ones will always be in their memories. On the basis of given information by the respondent, there is the main role of widowed in all these rituals. The social life of widowed are very restricted and limited as they cannot communicate with outsiders. The society believes that if widowed break the rules; they can be harmed by the bad spirits (Mohad Gill, 2016) Figure 1: Kadazan customs (Source: Lasimbang, 2014) Conclusion The objective of this study is to identify the death practices and customs in Kadazan and to identify the customs involved in the death practices of the Kadazan. Based on the findings, it is clear that the research is successful in identifying the rituals in the Kadazan society at the incident of death. Along with this, it has also been observed that cultural heritage tourismis important to gain experience of people, place, activities and things by representing the past and present with the cultural, natural and historic resources. In the history of Malaysia, there are various formats in which the cultural heritage of the country has been recorded. There are various form of culture having distinctive way of village, dance, festivals, music, living as well as unique handicrafts. Cultural heritage is the main point of attraction in the tourism of every country. There are many studies that are founded related to traditional customs and practices in the death incidence. In Sabah, Kadazan has its own cultures and regulations from birth to death which need to be documented. Behind this, Kadazan has its own identity and objective. Further, Death and dead are the necessary aspect of the society and the study of death can provide the knowledge about the structure of historical societies. In the Kadazan society, the community practiced seven days rituals on a death event. To identify the rituals in the Kadazan society, researchers have conducted the interviews of those people who are connected with this society. On the basis of information provided by respondents, there are three days which are important according to the respondent. Those are Momohobong (day 3), Momisok (day 6) and Mogukas (Day 7). There were some respondents who gave detailed knowledge and information about the customs and rituals. By the findings, it is clear that the Kadazan community has the clear understanding and knowledge about its customs, practices and rituals. This study is helpful to contribute for the further research related to this topic. References Bahar, Z., Be?er, A., Ersin, F., K?ssal, A., Aydo?du, N. (2012). Traditional and Bahauddin, A., (2014). The Architectural and Cultural Heritage of Sabah - The Rungus Longhouse: SHS Web of Conferences. Retrieved on 17th February 2017 from Lasimbang, R., (2014). To Promote the Kadazandusun Languages of Sabah. 34(2). Mohad, H. K., Gill, S. S. (2016). The Murut Tahol Culture in Sabah: The Historical Journey and Challenges: Asian Culture and History. 8(2) Mohamed Rani, Z., Othman, N., Ahmad, K. N. (2014). Perceived Authenticity as a Determinant to Revisit Heritage. 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