Sunday, April 19, 2020

Respect Essays (430 words) - Anti-social Behaviour, Human Behavior

1. Describe a situation in which someone showed respect for you this week? Respect has been shown to me in many little details this week. For example; this year I dint have a economics class, so I decided to visit my counselor and talk to her about it. Mrs.Harbrink was really focused in on what I was trying to tell her. Selina, our volleyball captain is always consedering what not only me but the whole team has to say Last, my mom showed me respect this week by keeping her promise. Although it wasn?t? something too big, her keeping her promise showed me respect. 2. Describe a situation in which you showed respect this week? This week I had CDL three times, but I usually visit every day morning or in between classes. You can't help but to have your favorites..the kid who just steals your heart the moment you see him/her, however , I treat all the kids the same. The last thing I want to do is make them feel left out or not liked. The kids must feel that they are all being treated equally, no special priviledges to any of them. I show them respect by letting them make their own choices by letting them give their own opinion and allowing them to be themelves. 3. What can you do to gain respect? Home school friends.. Golden Rule; Treat others how you want to be treated. At school, around friends, and at home, I believe in order to earn respect you must respect others. At home you can ask when borrowing things. For example: me and my sister wear the same sizes, and we ask each other for permission. Therefore we?re respecting our things and each other. If you feel your being treated unfairly at school, you can talk your teacher about it. Standing up for yourself is something he or she will respect. Around your friends the importance of honesty can be underestimated; if you have the reputation of telling your friends secrets to people, it will be difficult to gain the respect of others. When things go wrong you et tempted to look for someone or something to blame. It takes a certain amount of courage to just be honest and accept things didn?t go as planned, In the long run honesty will be appreciated. Look for three situatins in which you can show respect for an elderly person. Giving up your seat for an elderly person. No yellin at you parents grandparents etc.. Openig the door for them(:

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