Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The marketing plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The marketing plan - Research Paper Example It is also in competition with companies the develop applications especially mobile applications which imitate distinct capabilities that include sharing of photos as well as messaging and some of Facebook’s competitors include LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter etc. Facebook has grown to be more valuable than Amazon in terms of the market value with a market capitalization that is in excess of USD 170 billion compared to the market capitalization of Amazon that has decreased to below USD 165 billion. From the previous earnings report, the social media company beat revenue estimates and realized more revenue from mobile advertisements which now account for a big percentage of the total advertisement revenue. Almost sixty-five percent of the users on Facebook are older than thirty-five making the average over forty while the users who are less than twenty four years of age make up only fourteen percent of the users. Of the total Facebook users, sixty percent are female and almost fifty seven percent have finished one form of college education or another while less than a quarter have a bachelor’s or a graduate degree. The social presence of Facebook is seen in 137 countries which is more than all other social networks that are in only 127 of these nations. The US has the highest presence on Facebook even though only a half of the population uses the social networking site. India and Brazil are the Facebook markets that are steadily growing (Treadaway and Smith, 2012). Advertisements on the network that target the people on mobile devices have the potential of fetching the network huge revenues and as a result of the plethora of information that is received from the members, it is able to send advertisements that interest the particular users making them have the option of charging more for the advertisements than other companies. The platform that has been developed by Facebook is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effect of enzymes on reactions Essay Example for Free

Effect of enzymes on reactions Essay Effect of enzymes on reactions Introduction            The function of any enzyme largely depends on the arrangement of its amino acids. The shape of an enzyme is so important such that any alteration or change in its amino acid sequence can have a huge effect on its function. An alteration to the amino acids in an enzyme does not only alter it shape but also its functionality. During a reaction, the whole enzyme does not take part but rather a small part known as the active site. The shape and appearance of the active site in any enzyme is determined by its three dimensional structure. The active site of an enzyme houses the shape of the substrate that needs to be changed during the reaction. This means that enzymes and substrates work like a lock and key. Since a specific key can only open a specific lock, this is explains why enzymes are specific in their reactions. How enzymes catalyze reactions            As noted earlier, enzymes serve as catalysts that speed up the rate at which biochemical reactions take place. They mainly work by offering a substitute pathway for reactions. Compared to other catalysts, the pathway provided by enzymes reduces activation energy. The same with all other catalysts, enzymes participate in reactions and this is the main way through which they offer a substitute reaction pathway. However, it is worthy noting that enzymes do not undergo any permanent changes during a reaction but remain intact. There main role in a reaction is to increase the rate but not the position of the reaction equilibrium (Cornish-Bowden 47). Unlike chemicals that catalyze a number of reactions, enzymes are usually very selective and can only catalyze precise reactions. This characteristic can be attributed to the shape of molecules that make up enzymes. Majority of enzymes are made up of a protein and non protein known as the cofactor. In most cases, the protein s found in the enzymes are globular. Any change in temperature and pH disrupts the inter-molecular and intra-molecular bonds that hold the proteins together in their tertiary and secondary structures. This means that catalytic ability of an enzyme is temperature and pH sensitive.            For any molecules to react, they must come into contact with one another. In other words, they must collide with enough energy and in the correct direction. Sufficient energy is important during a reaction because it helps the molecules overcome the energy barrier to the reaction. This type of energy is known as activation energy. During a reaction, the active side of an enzyme attaches itself to one of the reacting molecules known as the substrate. A reaction catalyzed by an enzyme takes a different route compared to that catalyzed by other catalysts. The coming together of an enzyme and a substrate results in a reaction intermediate. Enzyme substrate Enzyme-substrate complex            The best experiment that can be used to validate the claim that enzymes do in fact catalyze reactions is looking at how enzymes help human beings digest food. There are different types of foods that are consumed by human beings. Some of the most common foods consumed by people are the two types of sugars namely disaccharides and monosaccharaides. These two sugars are derived from foods like fruits which also contain fructose and glucose. All monosaccharides derived from the foods that we eat is absorbed directly and transported to different cells in the body (Cornish-Bowden 96). Unlike monosaccharides, disaccharides need to be broken down into their monosaccharide form before they can be absorbed into the body. In the absence of a catalyst, the rate at which the absorption of monosaccharide galactose and glucose take place is very slow. Since human bodies require a lot of energy to function properly, it is important that the absorption process is quickened through the use of an enzyme. The main enzyme that is produced by human bodies to quicken the absorption process is known as a lactase. The experiment would involve the following steps. This experiment can be represented using the following diagram. Fill a tube with 20 ml of a lactose solution. Fill another tube with 20 ml of lactose solution and 2 ml of lactase solution. Shake the tube to ensure that the two solutions mix. Give the experiment 5 minutes for the lactose to breakdown into galactose and glucose. Use a test strip to monitor the process. Originally, the strip is usually colored aqua. If it turns brown, olive or green, it is an indication that glucose is present. Compare the results from the two tubes.            If the color of the test strip turns brown, olive or green, this is an indication that glucose is present. This means that reaction in the tube with lactase was catalyzed resulting in the production of glucose. The reaction in the other tube was slow because there was no catalyst to quicken the reaction. The result from this experiment indicates that indeed enzymes can play a big role in catalyzing reactions. References Cornish-Bowden, Athel. Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics. (3rd edition), Portland Press, 2004. Print. Source document

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The First Amendment and Conservative Rulings of the Supreme Court :: Politics Political Essays

The First Amendment and Conservative Rulings of the Supreme Court The authors of the Constitution of the United States created a magnificent list of liberties which were, at the time ascribed, to most people belonging to the United States. The main author, James Madison, transported the previous ideas of fundamental liberties from the great libertarians around the world, such as John Lilburne, John Locke, William Walwyn and John Milton. Madison and other previous libertarians of his time were transposed into seventeen different rights which were to be secured to all those in the United States. These seventeen civil liberties were compressed into ten different groupings which were designated as the "Bill of Rights." In this document lay the First Amendment which stated that the people of the United States had the "freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government..." The First Amendment was drafted by federalist Madison mainly as a political tactic to abolish anti-federalist resistance to the Constitution. After its passage in December of 1791, the First Amendment remained more idealistic than realistic. The First Amendment remained a set of ideals which were not to be carried out during its first century, then progressed to more realistic terms during its latter half of utilization. During the first century of the First Amendment, the First Amendment was paid a glance by all when it came to actually carrying out the freedoms guaranteed by this amendment. For example, in 1794, Pennsylvanian backcountry farmers protested a whiskey tax. The protesters were not violent such as those of the previous Shay's Rebellion. George Washington sent in a militia to crush the rebellion denying them of their First Amendment right to "peaceably assemble." Later, in 1836, antiÄ sl avery newspaper editor James G. Birney had been warned that his newspaper "The Philanthropist" was not desirable in the city of Cincinatti. When Birney refused to cooperate, mob action took rule and, "scattered the type into the streets, tore down t he presses and completely dismantled the office." This contradicted the First Amendment which stated that, "freedom...of the press," is a constitutional right. The Supreme Court could do nothing about these situations when in Barron v. Baltimore, t he Court ruled that, "These amendments contain no expression indicating an intention to apply them to state governments. This court cannot so apply them." Thus, the Supreme Court could not interfere when First Amendments The First Amendment and Conservative Rulings of the Supreme Court :: Politics Political Essays The First Amendment and Conservative Rulings of the Supreme Court The authors of the Constitution of the United States created a magnificent list of liberties which were, at the time ascribed, to most people belonging to the United States. The main author, James Madison, transported the previous ideas of fundamental liberties from the great libertarians around the world, such as John Lilburne, John Locke, William Walwyn and John Milton. Madison and other previous libertarians of his time were transposed into seventeen different rights which were to be secured to all those in the United States. These seventeen civil liberties were compressed into ten different groupings which were designated as the "Bill of Rights." In this document lay the First Amendment which stated that the people of the United States had the "freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government..." The First Amendment was drafted by federalist Madison mainly as a political tactic to abolish anti-federalist resistance to the Constitution. After its passage in December of 1791, the First Amendment remained more idealistic than realistic. The First Amendment remained a set of ideals which were not to be carried out during its first century, then progressed to more realistic terms during its latter half of utilization. During the first century of the First Amendment, the First Amendment was paid a glance by all when it came to actually carrying out the freedoms guaranteed by this amendment. For example, in 1794, Pennsylvanian backcountry farmers protested a whiskey tax. The protesters were not violent such as those of the previous Shay's Rebellion. George Washington sent in a militia to crush the rebellion denying them of their First Amendment right to "peaceably assemble." Later, in 1836, antiÄ sl avery newspaper editor James G. Birney had been warned that his newspaper "The Philanthropist" was not desirable in the city of Cincinatti. When Birney refused to cooperate, mob action took rule and, "scattered the type into the streets, tore down t he presses and completely dismantled the office." This contradicted the First Amendment which stated that, "freedom...of the press," is a constitutional right. The Supreme Court could do nothing about these situations when in Barron v. Baltimore, t he Court ruled that, "These amendments contain no expression indicating an intention to apply them to state governments. This court cannot so apply them." Thus, the Supreme Court could not interfere when First Amendments

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Struggling Dreams Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Several poems attempt to address social and political issues. In several of Langston Hughes’s poems, he expresses sociopolitical protests. He portrayed people whose lives were impacted by racism and sexual conflicts, he wrote about southern violence, Harlem street life, poverty, prejudice, hunger, hopelessness. Hughes’s poem a â€Å"Dream Deferred† was published in 1951. The poem speculated about the consequences of white’s society’s withholding of equal opportunity. The title of Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raison in the Sun was taken directly from Hughes’s poem. Hansberry’s parents were intellectuals and activists, and her father won an antisegregation case before the Illinois Supreme Court, upon which the events in A Raison in the Sun were loosely based. â€Å"Dream Deferred† is applied to several of the characters in Hansberry’s play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dream Deferred† was written during the Harlem Renaissance between the 1920s and 40s, after World War I. It was a time when African Americans began an intellectual movement. Harlem became the center of African American culture. Most African Americans began a movement to rethink their values and appreciation of their roots and Africa. Beneatha was a prime example of this from the play. She is very intellectually proud with everyone she comes into contact with; even her family. Her name Beneatha alone connotes the idea that everyone is â€Å"beneath† her. For instance, when she speaks to her moth...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Top 100 Hospital

What makes a top 100 Hospital http://www. resource4pharmacymalpractice. com/negligence. html http://www. ccohs. ca/oshanswers/legisl/msdss. html#_1_1 What makes a top 100 Hospital Toi Lynn Santamaria DeVry University HSM310 online Professor Tammy Cagle What makes a top 100 Hospital The Cleveland Clinic is in the top 20 of the top 100 Hospitals. Its official rank is 4th. The Cleveland Clinic is celebrating 90 years of excellent service. It opened its doors February 28th 1921. It was founded by four Doctors, Dr. George Crile, Dr. Frank Bunts. Dr. William Lower and Dr. John Phillips.Back in 1921 it was the first hospital of its kind, a not-for-profit group practice dedicated to patient care enhanced by research and education. (http://myclevelandclinic. org/90th-anniversary. aspx). The Hospital was built with all the latest equipment available at that time. The Cleveland Clinic quickly outgrew its building having more added in the years to come. The Cleveland Clinic has accomplished many medical first. The Worlds first cine-coronary angiography, the first published coronary artery bypass surgery, first successful larynx transplant and the first near total face transplant. (http://myclevelandclinic. rg/90th-anniversary. aspx). Tragedy was also a part of the past for the Cleveland Clinic. On May 15, 1929 over 120 people died from an explosion of x-ray film stored in the basement. One of the founders, John Phillips also died from the fumes . Frank Bunts had died suddenly years earlier. The hospital was in a state of ruin. But the two remaining founders Dr. Crile and Dr. Lower used their personal assets to rebuild the Cleveland clinic. Today it has over 37,000 employees, 16 health centers and 9 regional hospitals. 4 locations, one in Cleveland , Florida, Nevada and Canada with another opening in 2013 in Abu Dhabi.They are dedicated to their patients. They provide community outreach and wellness programs. They are a teaching hospital through the Lerner research institut e college. They have people from all over the world going to them for care. From the rich and famous to the ordinary person. They provide health and wellness podcasts and online health chats. I feel the Cleveland Clinic is one of the top 100 Hospitals for many reasons. For one it has stood the test of time being in service for 90 years. They have 16 specialties and 26 institutes. They are on the leading edge of technology and a leader in medical breakthroughs.They give back to their community. They are connected through an intricate system through the internet. Medical records can be seen online as well as appointments can be set up via the internet. They continue to do research to help fight diseases. They are a world leader in heart care. They attract the brightest minds to come work for them. They are not as interested in profits as they are in the quality of care they give to each patient. They also care for their employees from the Doctors to the janitors. It’s a great p lace to work built on an excellent reputation of care.Thousands of lives have been saved. They are one of the largest hospital in the world. They are ranked within the top 22 in 16 other specialties in the United States. If I had some illness be it heart disease or cancer I would love to be treated at this hospital. I believe I would have a better outcome and personal care that is out of this world. The four founders would be proud of what the Cleveland Clinic has grown to be. References The Cleveland Clinic website retrieved on November 20,2011 from http://my. clevelandclinic. org/90th-anniversary. aspx

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Charles Lindbergh

There have been many great adventurers and heroes in America’s past. One of them is Charles Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. He faced many hardships and successes, including his flight, marriage, and his child’s kidnapping. All of his fascination with planes started when Lindbergh was just a youth. Charles was born on February 4, 1902, in the city of Detroit. At the age of eight is when he saw his first airplane, which was piloted by Lincoln Beachey. This is what started Lindbergh’s love for and interest for flight. Lindbergh then started to study World War I. He was fascinated with the flying exploits of French ace Rene Fonck, who had shot down 75 German planes in the war (WGHB, 1997). Lindbergh spent three years working on his father’s farm by the time he graduated from high school. He then enrolled as a mechanical engineering student at the University of Wisconsin. After an airplane landed on campus, Lindbergh had a great desire to fly. He quit college and became a student in Nebraska Aircraft Company, where he was taken aloft for his first flight in April, 1922. After learning the basics of aircraft construction, he went on a cross-country tour with a seasoned barnstormer and learned to wing-talk and make exhibition parachute jumps (NAHF, 1997). Lindbergh then started to take flight. He won his first airplane and a second lieutenant’s commission in the Reserves in 1925. In the spring of 1926 he made the first airmail flight between Chicago and St. Louis. This route was very difficult and poorly marked. He was forced twice to parachute to safety from his disabled mail plane while flying the routes. There was then an extraordinary offer to pilots of the world. A Frenchman, named Raymond Orteig, offered $25,000 to the first aviator to fly non-stop from Paris to New York or New York to Paris. Orteig’s offer was only good for five years, but within those f... Free Essays on Charles Lindbergh Free Essays on Charles Lindbergh There have been many great adventurers and heroes in America’s past. One of them is Charles Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. He faced many hardships and successes, including his flight, marriage, and his child’s kidnapping. All of his fascination with planes started when Lindbergh was just a youth. Charles was born on February 4, 1902, in the city of Detroit. At the age of eight is when he saw his first airplane, which was piloted by Lincoln Beachey. This is what started Lindbergh’s love for and interest for flight. Lindbergh then started to study World War I. He was fascinated with the flying exploits of French ace Rene Fonck, who had shot down 75 German planes in the war (WGHB, 1997). Lindbergh spent three years working on his father’s farm by the time he graduated from high school. He then enrolled as a mechanical engineering student at the University of Wisconsin. After an airplane landed on campus, Lindbergh had a great desire to fly. He quit college and became a student in Nebraska Aircraft Company, where he was taken aloft for his first flight in April, 1922. After learning the basics of aircraft construction, he went on a cross-country tour with a seasoned barnstormer and learned to wing-talk and make exhibition parachute jumps (NAHF, 1997). Lindbergh then started to take flight. He won his first airplane and a second lieutenant’s commission in the Reserves in 1925. In the spring of 1926 he made the first airmail flight between Chicago and St. Louis. This route was very difficult and poorly marked. He was forced twice to parachute to safety from his disabled mail plane while flying the routes. There was then an extraordinary offer to pilots of the world. A Frenchman, named Raymond Orteig, offered $25,000 to the first aviator to fly non-stop from Paris to New York or New York to Paris. Orteig’s offer was only good for five years, but within those f...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Natural environment Essay Example

Natural environment Essay Example Natural environment Essay Natural environment Essay Is racism still alive today? Yes it does. Racism is one of the worlds major issues today. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our schools workforces, and anywhere else where social lives are occurring. It is obvious that racism is bad as it was many decades ago but it sure has not gone away. Racism very much exists and it is about time that people need to start thinking about the instigations and solutions to this matter. Many people believe that it depends on if a person was brought into the world as a racist or not but that is not the case at all.In fact, an individual cannot be born a racist but only learn to become one as they grow from child to adulthood. Some of the basic causes that keep racism alive today are stereotypes, unfamiliarity, selfishness and environmental factors. One of the most common causes of racism is stereotypes. Through television, through radio, through the internet, through music, through books, and the like, the potential for ster eo types to build are a definite possibility. When a person, especially one that is very young, is exposed to stereotypes of a specific group for the first time, then that person will assume all are that way.Likewise, when a source is constantly displaying negative things about a particular race, then that will affect the overall opinions as well. Another very common, and probably the most common cause of racism is unfamiliarity. People fear what they do not know or understand. If someone hasnt grown up around a particular race before, then there is more of a chance the person can be racist toward that particular group. Not all the time, but when the person has already been fed negative stereotypes, and does not have the actual real life experiences with at least one within the particular group, then the chances of racism are increased.This is why it is important for children to be around other races at a young age: to ensure they get their minds used and adapted to being around the m, and also to help counterbalance any false stereotypes they may encounter in the future. Selfishness is another obvious cause of racism. Humans are sometimes very selfish creatures caring only about their own at the expense of others. If individuals arent taught how to respect others, then the potential for the person to become racist is increased as well. This is why you will find that most caring individuals arent racist. Neither are they sexist or anything else.The lastly and probably the most surprising cause of racism is environmental causes. We are all made different biologically and genetically. Our physical environment can affect our biology and therefore, in many cases, affect our minds. This does not mean freewill and choice are not options, but that an individuals potential for racism could possibly be increased through certain environmental factors unknown to man. By default, racism is non-existent. However, things such as improper health maintenance, excess chemicals, head injuries, or other factors may help contribute to it.This should not be used as an excuse that racism has to persist, but more of a better chance to cure racism by enhancing biological health and medical technology, rather than thinking it can only be done by other means. Those are the 4 main causes of racism. As previously stated, racism is one of the most revolting things that paralyses humanity. To cure racism permanently, we must first address the root problems, which are: stereotypes, unfamiliarity, selfishness, and environmental aspects. When we cure and address those things, we will cure racism as well.We all have to learn, and to understand that we are all equal, that we all share the same planet, and that we have the same climate. People and their cultures depend on each other. Racism is a kind of illness. The society cannot get rid of it because there are still too many people who do not understand that we all live under the same sun, breathe the same air, and share the same world.Bibliography oppapers. com/subjects/racism-is-still-alive-page1. html http://voices. yahoo. com/racism-still-alive-today-29941. html? cat=9 democraticunderground. com/discuss/duboard. php? az=view_all;amp;address=3896589799

Sunday, October 20, 2019

which the “war on terrorism” has been waged threatens to undermine the international human rights framework so painstakingly built since World War II The WritePass Journal

which the â€Å"war on terrorism† has been waged threatens to undermine the international human rights framework so painstakingly built since World War II Introduction which the â€Å"war on terrorism† has been waged threatens to undermine the international human rights framework so painstakingly built since World War II IntroductionBIBLIOGRAPHY:Related Introduction The way in which the â€Å"war on terrorism† has been waged threatens to undermine the international human rights framework so painstakingly built since World War II. This essay argues that abandoning human rights in times of crisis is short-sighted and self-defeating. A â€Å"war on terrorism† waged without respect for the rule of law undermines the very values that it presumes to protect. A balance between liberty and security must therefore be restored by reasserting the human rights framework, which provides for legitimate and effective efforts to respond to terrorist attacks. The United States–led â€Å"war on terrorism† is premised on the notion that the events of September 11 should be seen as a wake-up call that the world has changed. The international community necessitates new tools and strategies, perhaps a new normative structure, to deal with these dire threats to the world’s security. In the absence of international agreement about the new tools, strategies, and norms, the â€Å"war on terrorism† is being waged on its own imperatives regardless of existing norms. The way in which this â€Å"war† was waged is itself a threat to human security. Since the September 11 attacks, the United States, with the support of many governments, has waged a â€Å"war on terrorism.†This â€Å"war† places the human rights gains of the last several decades and the international human rights framework at risk. Some methods used in detaining and interrogating suspects violate international human rights and humanitarian norms in the name of security.Throughout the world, governments have used the post–September 11 antiterrorism campaign to crack down on dissidents and to suppress human rights. Efforts to define terrorism are fraught with political consequence and disagreement. The controversy is often captured in the phrase â€Å"one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter.† The Special Rapporteur notes that it is difficult to distinguish between internal armed conflict and terrorism. Should state-sponsored terrorism be included in this discussion? How about sub-state terrorism? Is there a difference between the terrorism of the past and the new threat of non-state-actor super-terrorism with the potential for catastrophic use of weapons of mass destruction? There is already some agreement about prohibiting certain acts the international community condemns as terrorist acts.The definition adopted in this essay is that attacks on the World Trade Centre, in London and Madrid constitute crimes against humanity in that they are, especially taken with other attacks by the same actors, part of a widespread or systematic attack on civilian populations. This view was expressed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Another aspect of the problem of definition is that in many of the antiterrorism measures taken since September 11, 2001, governments have used vague and overbroad definitions of terrorism. Such definitions run the risk of sweeping peaceful, expressive activity into the definition of terrorism and can be the basis for repressive regimes attacking political opponents or other pre-textual uses of antiterrorism campaigns. Such antiterrorist laws violate the principle of legality and provide a basis for governments to label political opponents or human rights defenders as â€Å"terrorists.†In addition, it can subject them to exceptional security measures that would not be tolerated in other contexts. Below we look at how human rights has been a casualty on the war on terrorism. At the heart of the challenge to the human rights framework is the question of whether the â€Å"war on terrorism† is a â€Å"war,† and if so, what sort of a war it is. To date, one of the characteristics of the â€Å"war on terrorism† is a refusal to accept that any body of law applies to the way this â€Å"war† is waged. Central to the human rights framework is the idea that there are no â€Å"human rights free zones† in the world, and that human beings possess fundamental human rights by virtue of their humanity alone. In addition, there is no gap between human rights law and humanitarian law in which a â€Å"war on terrorism† may be waged, free from the constraints of international law. The essence of the rule of law requires that executive action be constrained by law. The refusal to accept that the rule of law governs the conduct of the â€Å"war on terrorism† has created tremendous uncertainty and has also led to the erosion of individual rights. For example, in April 2003 the United States took the position, in response to questions posed by the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions about the November 2002 killing of six men in Yemen by a missile shot from an unmanned drone, that this attack was against enemy combatants in a military operation and, thus, was beyond the competence of the Special Rapporteur and the UN Human Rights Commission. By defining the â€Å"war on terrorism† as a â€Å"war,† the United States and cooperating governments conveniently eliminate all of the protections of human rights law, even in circumstances in which international humanitarian law does apply. It is not clear why this precedent would not be applicable to any government seeking to target dissidents, national liberation movements, or anyone opposed to a regime as being a â€Å"terrorist† and an appropriate military threat in this global â€Å"war.† The concept of â€Å"terrorism† put forward is any act perceived as a threat by those waging the war against it. The battlefield is the entire planet, regardless of borders and sovereignty. The â€Å"war on terrorism† might continue in perpetuity, and it is unclear who is authorised to declare it over. Human rights protections simply do not exist when they conflict with the imperatives of the â€Å"war on terrorism.† One such case is that of Guantanamo. The continuing detention of more than 600 alleged â€Å"terrorists† at a military base in Guantanamo has become the most visible symbol of the threat to the human rights framework posed by the â€Å"war on terrorism.†The Guantanamo detainees essentially have been transported to a â€Å"human rights free zone† or â€Å"legal black hole,† where only visits by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) stands between them and the arbitrary, unreviewable exercise of executive power. The detainees are beyond the reach of any body of law and receive the treatment that their captors deem reasonable in the circumstances. The US states the detainees are to be treated consistent with the laws of war. Yet, they are denied hearings required by Article 5 of the Third Geneva Convention before a â€Å"competent tribunal† to determine whether they are prisoners of war, as the ICRC presumptively believes them to be. In the eyes of their captors, they are conclusively determined to be â€Å"enemy combatants† or â€Å"enemy aliens,† who may be tried before military commissions and detained indefinitely regardless of whether they are convicted by those commissions. The Military Order authorizes the detention and trial of â€Å"terrorists† and uses a broad definition of â€Å"individuals subject to this order.†Thus, US authorities may take any person in the world they believe fits this broad definition and transport them to the â€Å"human rights free zone† in Guantanamo. There the US is not subject to judicial oversight by domestic or international authorities, and the detainees can be treated in any manner until they are tried, released, or held in these conditions indefinitely. The Military Order applies only to noncitizens, leading to a stark double standard between the treatment of US citizens accused of being involved in terrorist activity and noncitizens, who are not entitled to the panoply of rights accused US â€Å"terrorists† will receive. The idea that noncitizens are not entitled to international fair trial standards because they are unworthy â€Å"terrorists† is at odds with international antidiscrimination and fair trial norms as well as the presumption of innocence. Trials before the military commissions, established pursuant to the November 2001 order, will not comply with essential international fair trial safeguards or guarantees of an independent judiciary. Indeed, the proceedings appear to be no different from military tribunals the international community has criticized in many other settings as a violation of international human rights standards. The availability of the death penalty in these military commissions undermines the human rights goal of eventual abolition of the death penalty; especially in light of the important strides the international community has made toward abolition of the death penalty in the Rome Statute and elsewhere, for even the most egregious crimes. These commissions also inhibit international cooperation to combat terrorism given the strong views of many states that abolition of the death penalty is a fundamental human rights issue. There is more to say about the conditions of confinement in Guantanamo Bay (cramped cells, lack of exercise, torture), especially after recent revelations about the widespread abuse of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere. The central challenge it presents to the human rights framework is that the detainees are left without the protection of law or judicial or international oversight. Although the ICRC is allowed to visit the detainees, the United States does not agree that the detainees are prisoners of war or even entitled to the full protections of international humanitarian or human rights law. The United States has labeled the detainees as â€Å"enemy combatants,† but this label cannot avoid the requirement of a determination of every detainee’s status by a â€Å"competent tribunal.† Humanitarian law requires that such determinations be made by tribunals and under procedures that guarantee fair treatment, protect vulnerable detainees, and restrain the detaining p ower. Instead, the detainees, like the six men killed in Yemen, are subject only to the discretion of an unrestrained executive authority. Fundamental human rights norms require that detentions be subject to judicial oversight. As the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention stated in December 2002, if prisoner of war status is not recognized by a competent tribunal,[T]he situation of detainees would be governed by the relevant provisions of the [International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights] and in particular by articles 9 and 14 thereof, the first of which guarantees that the lawfulness of a detention shall be reviewed by a competent court, and the second of which guarantees the right to a fair trial. The United States has rejected the UN’s position and every other form of international oversight of these detentions. As a result, the identity of the detainees are secret, and there is no international or domestic oversight of the detentions. There is no way of ascertaining whether there is any basis for the continued detention of particular detainees, which includes children as young as thirteen. Over time, a number of detainees have been released, and so far the released detainees have not been charged with any criminal offense. Thus, raising substantial questions about the grounds for their detention in the first place and even more concern about the length of the detentions. Despite assurances by United States officials, there are examples of mistakes coming to light. One such discrepancy concerns refugee law and discrimination. Almost all of the detainees have been held on minor immigration law violations, which ordinarily would not warrant detention or deportation. One commentator reports that only three of the estimated 5,000 noncitizens detained by these efforts have been charged with any offense remotely related to terrorism, indicating the ineffectiveness of such strategies. These transgressions on immigrant communities are just a part of the â€Å"collateral damage† of the â€Å"war on terrorism.† International norms clearly prohibit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, or religion. There is a growing recognition of the harms caused by discrimination in the social fabric of our communities. By targeting immigrant communities, the government fosters the discrimination and exclusion that human rights law has struggled so hard to eradicate, making it all the more difficult to engender understanding and cooperation between communities in the fight against terrorism. Below we evaluate the significance of a human rights framework response to terrorism. For the most part, the international community has responded to the events of September 11 and their aftermath with an insistence that the response to terrorism must unfold within basic standards of human rights and international law. For example, the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 1456 (2003) insisted that any measure taken to combat terrorism must comply with international law obligations, â€Å"in particular international human rights law, refugee, and humanitarian law.† The question remains whether these norms will actually govern the conduct of states and what the international community will do if they do not. The detainees in Guantanamo are in a â€Å"human rights free zone† with the active cooperation of many governments and the absence of an adequate response by the international community as a whole. Even if one contends that the detainees are not covered by international humanitarian law, the international human rights framework still requires they be tried for a recognizable criminal offense and be granted the internationally recognized guarantees of a fair trial. The United States had no difficulty complying with these requirements in response to the first World Trade Center bombing, showing it is possible for governments to create special procedures for handling classified or sensitive evidence in such trials in accordance with their legal systems. Many countries have experience trying alleged terrorists in ordinary courts under procedures that comply, or at least arguably comply, with international standards. There can be increased cooperation at every level of government within a human rights framework. Many human rights standards, beginning with Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, explicitly recognize limitations based on the requirements of public order or security. There is a substantial body of international, regional, and domestic jurisprudence in balancing liberty and security in a wide variety of specific contexts. These standards should be respected and enforced, not ignored. International human rights law also explicitly recognizes that there may be emergencies that justify suspension of some internatio nal human rights. If deemed prisoners of war then there is a well-defined regime of humanitarian law under which the detainees must be treated. In conclusion this essay addressed one aspect of the ongoing debate about terrorism and human rights. While urging adherence to existing human rights and humanitarian standards in the fight against terrorism and raising the alarm about how the â€Å"war on terrorism† is being waged, one should not ignore the challenges posed by transnational networks of persons willing to engage in acts of mass destruction. There are opportunities for cooperative, multilateral approaches to this challenge: Expanding the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to cover a broader range of attacks on civilians would be a positive development and one fully consistent with the rule of law. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Amnesty International, Rights at Risk: Amnesty International’s Concern Regarding Security and Law enforcement Measures (2002), ACT 30/001/2001 available at Amnesty International, United States of America: Memorandum to the US Government on the Rights of People in US Custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay (2002), AMR 51/053/2002, available at Amnesty International, United States of America: Restoring the Rule of Law. The Right of Guantanamo Detainees to Judicial Review of the Lawfulness of Their Detention (2004)AMR 51/0931/2004, available at Chinlund,   C. Who Should Wear the â€Å"Terrorist† Label?, Boston Globe , 8 Sept. 2003, at A15, available at Civil and Political Rights, Including the Question of Torture and Detention: Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Louis Joinet Chairperson-Rapporteur, Executive Summary, U.N. ESCOR, Comm’n on Hum. Rts., 59th Sess., Agenda Item 11(a), U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2003/8 (2002), available at Cole, D. (2003) Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism at 188. European Parliament Resolution on EU Judicial Co-operation with the United States in combating terrorism, B5-0813/2001 (11 Dec. 2001), available at Fitzpatrick, J. (1994) The International System for Protecting Rights during States of Emergency. Procedural Aspects of International Law Series: V. 19) 1994, p. 70-71. Fitzpatrick, J. (2002) Sovereignty, Territoriality, and the Rule of Law, 25 Hastings International Comparative Law Review at 303 Geneva Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Geneva III), 1949 Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 124 S. Ct. 2633 (2004). Human Rights First, Ending Secret Detentions (2004)available at Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch Briefing Paer on U.S. Military Commissions (2003), available at Jakob Kellenberger speech on 17 March 2004   to the UN Commission on Human Rights during the 60th Annual Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights- Statement by the President of the ICRC (17 Mar. 2004), available at Eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/5X6MY5?OpenDocumentstyle=custo_print. Kalliopi, K.K, U.M. Special Rapporteur.   Preliminary Report: Terrorism and Human Rights, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/27 (1999), available at ecosoc/cn4/sub2/ 8–21. Military Order, of November 13, 2001- Detention, Treatment and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terror, at Section 2. Press Release, The White House, Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation (11 Sept. 2001), available at Robinson, P,   The Missing Crimes, in The Rome Statute for an International Criminal Court pp 510 – 521. (Antonio Cassese et al. eds., 2002). S.C. Res. 1456, U.N. SCOR, 58th Sess., 4688th mtg., para 6, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1456 (2003), available at The Queen on the Application of Abbasi and Another v. Sec’y of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, EWCA Civ 1598, para 64 (U.K.) Sup. Ct. Judicature, (C.A.) (6 Nov, 2002), available at United States v. Yousef, 327 F.3d 56 (2d Cir. 2003).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Review of Accounting Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review of Accounting Ethics - Research Paper Example Accounting ethics is a vast term and have a lot of minor details in it. Looking at just the basics, it can be defined as providing right financial details to the company and to its stake holders. Numbers are something which can be manipulated very easily for one’s own interest and that is where the rules and regulations are made to make sure that the accounting ethics are not breached at any level. Businesses make sure that each and every account is made and maintained in the right manner (Cohn, 2013). Accountants work in many different areas and fields. They are not focused on one particular subject but have to handle a lot of work at a single time. The accounting areas majorly include performing audits, making tax statements, making budgets and planning for the future, manage the ongoing accounts, consultancy and of course, preparing general accounts. Having so many things to handle, there is an opportunity for them to make frauds at each level or subjects they are working o n. The greed of making huge amount of money in no time makes them get onto the wrong track and that’s where the ethical issues start coming into action (Mele Carne, 2005). Although having all the right code of conduct, there are still some loopholes in the system which the accountants and the senior officials of the company identify and then use it for their own good. One of the biggest examples we can find in the history which was charged of the allegation of breach of accounting ethics is the Lehmon Brothers Inc. Lehmon Brothers was one of the giant companies and had a big name when it comes to the investment market of the United States of America and due to its unethical accounting methods it got bankrupt. The business of Lehmon Brothers can be described as borrowing money from the general public and then investing that money into different assets. They earned interest from their investment into the assets and then share the interest earned with the people they borrowed lo an from (Jeffers, 2011). Lehmon Brothers were considered a good company to invest in as they showed people their artificially made financial statements to the people. After they filed bankruptcy in 2008, the position of Lehmon Brothers came in front of the eyes of the people. We will now discuss about how they betrayed people by showing artificially made good financial statements. A report was made by Jeffers, Agatha E. in which all the details regarding Lehmon Brothers bankruptcy and how they did breach the accounting ethics was presented. Lehmon Brothers used a Repo 105 accounting policy to misguide their investors. Repo 105 policy suggests that when an asset is given out and cash is received, it should be recorded as sale of asset. Although in accounting methods, an asset is not considered and written as sale until it is completely transferred to the second party and is fully non-operational by the company. Lehmon Brothers accustomed to give assets as a guarantee to purchase loan s from the institutions abroad. They recorded this transaction as sale of assets and showed people that they have got rid of non worthy assets and have earned good money from that. In this way their balance sheet looked less leveraged as they have less unproductive assets and more cash. Secondly they used to pay off some liabilities with the

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Perspectives of Cross Border Merger and Acquisition Deals Coursework

The Perspectives of Cross Border Merger and Acquisition Deals - Coursework Example Without any doubt, the emergence of mass media has greatly affected / influenced the attitudes, perceptions, behaviours, beliefs and lifestyles of people all across the globe,   thereby compelling the people (who are also potential customers of companies and business enterprises) to consider themselves as a part of this global world or global village. Businesses today, therefore, focus more on expansion and entrance in new markets to make the most of available lucrative opportunities in different regions worldwide. However, it must not be forgotten that this recent globalization, universalization, westernization, commercialization or internationalization has not only affected the customers (and created opportunities for businesses to expand) but it has also resulted in a fast, highly unpredictable, unstructured, unclear, unexpected and uncertain business environment. Different business expansion, growth, and international market entry strategies include Joint ventures, Contract Manufacturing, Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, Turnkey project, Management contract, and Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions. This paper will throw light over Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions across the world. The paper will analyze the circumstances which may this (M&A) activity the most appropriate entry mode for a firm considering entry into a new international market. The points developed in this paper will be supported by the real world examples. Also, it will include an Analysis over the reasons why many cross border M&As are deemed to have failed or underperformed. The journal articles obtained from the internet will be used as an appropriate research method to garner qualitative and quantitative information that will then analyzed by the author.  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Network Infrastructure Basics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Network Infrastructure Basics - Assignment Example Dial-up networking facilitates computer connection to remote networks. It is usually used in home computers, but in some cases, it is used as a business or the Internet network. Unlike the Dial-up modem uses phone lines in sending and receiving data, the DSL uses regular phone lines to send digital broadband signals. ISDN network connection allows internet connections or direct communication between computers. This connection sends digital signals, and in some cases, it uses regular telephone wiring with distinctive ISDN networks (Graziani and Johnson, 2008). Finally, a wireless connection uses infrared lights or radio waves for sending data between hosts. Wireless network connections are common in airports, homes, business, and hotels. In most cases, wireless network connections are through larger wired networks that are connected to the internet. Protocols are sets of standards that facilitate communication between network hosts. They usually provide services including e-mail and file transfers. Most protocols are not designed to use independently but with interaction with other independent or complementary protocols (Graziani and Johnson, 2008). This often constitutes a group of protocols that function as a unit, and they are referred to as protocol suite. An internet protocol suite is referre d to as TCP/IP and is the widely used protocol suite. There are numerous TCP/IP protocol suites, and the wider category include web browsing, security protocols, file transfer, E-mail, network services, network management, transport protocols, and control protocols. The TCP/IP protocol suite works independently of the physical network architecture (Dye, McDonald, and Rufi, 2008). There are numerous parameters required for TCP/IP network connections. The most influential parameters include IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, DNS server, and Hostname. The IP address is used to identify the logical host and the logical address network  addresses. On the other hand, the subnet mask identifies the IP address portion that deals with a network address. The default gateway identifies the router, and the DNS server address is used to resolve host names to IP addresses.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means Coursework

Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means for businesses (CO-OPERATIVE BANK) - Coursework Example The ethical consumerism concept is characterised by customers’ patronising products that are sold by society-friendly companies (Berman, 2011). The same concept includes the customers’ buying services that are sold by environment-friendly. Likewise, the concept emphasises shying away from products that wreak damage or unfavourable effects on the environment or on society (Langen, 2012). For example, the ethical customers must avoid lead-tainted canned food products. Lead contaminates the canned products. The contaminated canned products may trigger unhealthy effects on the uninformed current and future customers (Bertagni et al., 2010). Further, ethical consumerism is grounded on morality (Devinney et al., 2010). Morality is the object of ethical standards. Consequently, ethical consumerism can be described as consumers incorporating their own ethical standards in the purchasing or using of certain products or services. For example, companies should not intentionally sell defective products to customers. The consumers include both the current and future customers of the companies. Ethical consumerism may include the implementation of fair trade processes. Fair trade is synonymous with the laissez faire economy. Under this type of economy, all entities and individuals can freely join their chosen market segments. All competitors in the same market segment are given equal opportunities. Policies that favor one entity or group should be prevented. Furthermore, equal opportunities include equal possibilities to be the top net profit performer in the same market segment. Equal opportunities may include giving all entities the same sustainability chances. All entities and individuals are given the same chances to achieve one’s prescribed goals, objectives, missions, visions, and other previously defined targets (Guido, 2009). Consequently, the ethical consumers act responsibly in their use or purchase

The military, political and social importance of the castle in King Essay

The military, political and social importance of the castle in King Stephen's reign - Essay Example own territories from the rivals, both Matilda supporters and King’s force started establishing fortifications on their own style of motte, bailey designs and fen-edge castles. â€Å"Meanwhile in England both parties were compelled to keep armed forces permanently in strong castles, if necessary building new castles or increasing the fortifications of old ones.†1 In the period of King Stephen various new fortifications were established and the existing ones were reconstructed. Stone built castles played a major role in the military and political spheres of the country. â€Å"Developments in castle-building certainly did not arise from the exigencies of war but to provide an appropriate lordly residence – offering security, not terror, to dependents.†2 Royal castles were built to maintain and control the township and the forests while the baronial castles were used by the lords in controlling their widespread territories and estates. In addition, the authori ties also excised power over baronial castles and placed restrictions on its construction. The baronial castles, of that time were considered as a threat to the public, due to their extensive control over the land and people, and so it was curbed by the monarchic authority by the castle policies and forfeitures. â€Å"There was a distinct ‘Angevin castle policy’ under which, by a careful strategy of building and forfeiture, the ratio of royal to baronial castles was altered to enhance royal power over that of the aristocracy.†3 It was during the period of King Stephen that these numerous castle building created a greater chaos to the social life of the people. The society was greatly affected with the castle-building of the powerful people. This included the ‘adulterine castles that are so prominent both in... The researcher states that in the period of King Stephen various new fortifications were established and the existing ones were reconstructed. Stone built castles played a major role in the military and political spheres of the country. â€Å"Developments in castle-building certainly did not arise from the exigencies of war but to provide an appropriate lordly residence – offering security, not terror, to dependents.† Royal castles were built to maintain and control the township and the forests while the baronial castles were used by the lords in controlling their widespread territories and estates. In addition, the authorities also excised power over baronial castles and placed restrictions on its construction. The baronial castles, of that time were considered as a threat to the public, due to their extensive control over the land and people, and so it was curbed by the monarchic authority by the castle policies and forfeitures. â€Å"There was a distinct ‘Ange vin castle policy’ under which, by a careful strategy of building and forfeiture, the ratio of royal to baronial castles was altered to enhance royal power over that of the aristocracy.† It was during the period of King Stephen that these numerous castle building created a greater chaos to the social life of the people. The society was greatly affected with the castle-building of the powerful people. This included the ‘adulterine castles that are so prominent both in modern times as well as in the chronicles which is probably considered as the root of all the evils of the reign.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means Coursework

Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means for businesses (CO-OPERATIVE BANK) - Coursework Example The ethical consumerism concept is characterised by customers’ patronising products that are sold by society-friendly companies (Berman, 2011). The same concept includes the customers’ buying services that are sold by environment-friendly. Likewise, the concept emphasises shying away from products that wreak damage or unfavourable effects on the environment or on society (Langen, 2012). For example, the ethical customers must avoid lead-tainted canned food products. Lead contaminates the canned products. The contaminated canned products may trigger unhealthy effects on the uninformed current and future customers (Bertagni et al., 2010). Further, ethical consumerism is grounded on morality (Devinney et al., 2010). Morality is the object of ethical standards. Consequently, ethical consumerism can be described as consumers incorporating their own ethical standards in the purchasing or using of certain products or services. For example, companies should not intentionally sell defective products to customers. The consumers include both the current and future customers of the companies. Ethical consumerism may include the implementation of fair trade processes. Fair trade is synonymous with the laissez faire economy. Under this type of economy, all entities and individuals can freely join their chosen market segments. All competitors in the same market segment are given equal opportunities. Policies that favor one entity or group should be prevented. Furthermore, equal opportunities include equal possibilities to be the top net profit performer in the same market segment. Equal opportunities may include giving all entities the same sustainability chances. All entities and individuals are given the same chances to achieve one’s prescribed goals, objectives, missions, visions, and other previously defined targets (Guido, 2009). Consequently, the ethical consumers act responsibly in their use or purchase

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

LEGAL SYSTEM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LEGAL SYSTEM - Essay Example The legal system comprises of the various concerned parties of the legal framework namely the court of laws, the lawyers, the plaintiffs, the official staffs of the court of law, the judges and also the society at large as often the judgment are held as records for future purposes and it becomes binding among the people. It was believed that the civil justice system in the United Kingdom was one of the best systems in the world. But like many other nations, any court case called for extensive use of scarce resources like time and money. In order to avoid those, a committee under the chairmanship of Lord Woolf came up with certain recommendations, popularly known as Woolf Reforms, which envisaged reducing the use of time and money in the legal system. This paper aims to provide a critical view of the legal system of United Kingdom especially of the civil justice system with respect to the Woolf Reforms. The United Kingdom comprises of three different jurisdictions namely England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, all with different court system and distinct court system. The civil justice procedure, for which Lord Woolf had elaborate recommendations commences with the County Courts at the bottom of the system. The High Courts of the United Kingdom are basically divided into three divisions like Queens Bench, Family and Chancery. High Courts act as the court of appeals for minor cases as well as court of first instance for major cases. One can appeal the cases also to Court of Appeal (Civil Division). In the United Kingdom, it is the House of Lords that act as the supreme court of appeal where the Law Lords or the thirteen judges designated for the appeal hear the cases. The other indispensable part of the legal framework also comprises of the civil court Judicial Committee of the Privy Council that looks after the matters of the civil justice that arises in the overseas territ ories of United

Learning - teacher Essay Example for Free

Learning teacher Essay Good afternoon everyone, today I am going to talk about education. Education has many affects but how does education affects our lives. Education affects people by opening them up to new ideas, thus broadening their thinking. As for example, A degree can also broaden opportunities in the job market. Sometimes education can change what you believe, if you find new truth and need to fit it into your worldview. As long as a person is careful to actually examine the information that is presented, and not just blindly accept anything from any source, education usually improves lives and minds and offers us more opportunities and possibilities. The education for society can be different, due to the fact that various types of education and learning methods and assumptions affect me and others in many different ways. An important key role in our life by far is education, because so far it has given me a different perspective of life. A well-known Greek Philosopher named Plato once said that the direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life. He literally means the type of education we chose to follow or have leads to us becoming that. So far in my journey of life it has opened and shown my eyes to a lot to see in this world. Education has given me the chance to learn and discover new things around me; in addition it has taught me to believe about life. Education has made me who I am today, and will have a huge impact in my future to come, because it will determine how I will live. It has given me a picture and sense on what I can achieve and do in life. My education started at a very young age, just like most people start theirs. My first mentors and teachers were not from elementary school, but they were my own people that raised me from home. The education I received to this day has made me a better decision maker about life’s big questions. Nelson Mandela best said that education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world. What Nelson Mandela is trying to mean is that education is the answer to move forward in life. I totally agree with Mandela on that.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Geometric Arrangement Of Computer Systems

The Geometric Arrangement Of Computer Systems A network often simply referred to as computer network, is a collection of computers and devices connected by communications channels. Computers on a network are sometimes called nodes. In information technology network is series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths. These communication channels facilitate communications among users and allow users to share resources with other users. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics. Topology : The geometric arrangement of a computer system. The most common topology or general configurations of networks include the: Bus topology Star topology Token ring topology Networks can also be characterized in terms of spatial distance: A group of two or more computer systems linked together. There are many types of computer networks, including: Local-area networks (LANs): In this type of network the computers linked within the organization. Wide-area networks (WANs) : The computers are farther apart and are connected by different communication channels. Metropolitan-area networks MANs): A data network designed for a town or city. Campus-area networks (CANs): The computers are within a limited geographic area. Egg: campus Home-area networks (HANs): A network contained within a users home that connects a persons digital devices. Internet Protocols: Before going to Internet protocols first we have to know about the protocol. Protocol : The protocol defines a common set of rules and signals that computers on the network use to communicate. The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol used for communicating data across a packet-switched internetwork using the Internet Protocol Suite, also referred to as TCP/IP. The Internet Protocol is responsible for addressing hosts and routing datagram (packets) from a source host to the destination host across one or more IP networks. The sending of packets from source to destination is performed based on two types of networks: These networks include: Wired network: A wired network is a physical system that allows multiple computers communicate with each other. Wired networking is usually accomplished by using cables and other hardware to connect one computer to another. Once a wired home network has been installed, users within the network can share computer files and documents as well as printers and scanners. In This network the packets are transferred by using TCP/IP. Wireless network: Connecting one computer to another computer is called network. We are connecting these computers to transfer packets from source to destination. But we are using wireless network, instead of cables we are using radio waves to transfer these packets by using UDP (User Datagram packet). TCP/IP Architecture: Internet protocol suite which standardized for the entire networking environment describes specific rule guidelines for communication strategy. This protocol architecture deals with communication between source and destination which means how the data should be formatted, how the packets should identify the address of the receiver and how the packets are transmitted from source to destination. In this TCP/IP architecture the data should be transferred in the form of packets from source to destination. The transmission of packets starts from source and these packets transmits through different types of layers and finally it reaches the destination. In this architecture there are 4different layers, each layer performs its own functionality to reach destination. In this architecture each layer sends the information to the lower layer to process the functionality of that layer, after completion of processing the information passed to lower layer and so on. This process repeats till the packet should reach the destination. The 4 different layers of TCP/IP protocol architecture and each layer is described below: Application Layer: This layer provides the some functionality to perform different services of the lower layers. And this layer provides different protocols for the purpose of exchanging data between different layers. The protocols which are defined by application layer are known as application protocols and these are used to exchange the information: There are different protocols used in application layer are described as follows: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): This protocol used in application layer which is used to perform the transmission of files among the network. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP): It is also one protocol used in application layer to perform the transmission of interactive files. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) by using this protocol the transmission of mail messages and file attachments are done. The functionality of application layer similar to the functionalities of OSI Application, Presentation Layer and Session Layer. Transport Layer This is the second layer of TCP/IP protocol architecture. This Transport layer deals with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).This protocol is used to know the status of packet transmission whether it reached the exact destination or not. Before reaching the destination it performs the error checking which means it is in the right order or not. Network Layer This is the one of the important layer of TCP/IP protocol architecture. In this layer it deals with the Internet protocol (IP).The communication of these layers should be done by using this protocol. Network Access Layer The network access layer is the combination of Data link layer and physical layer. The Data link layer deals with the transmission of data packets across the architecture. This Data link layer provides different functionalities like formatting the data in packets, error detection and the flow of data from source to destination. And coming to physical layer deals with the physical medium such as voltage levels, connector types and handshake procedures. TCP/IP Protocol Layers Chapter 2 In chapter 1, I have mainly discussed about the VoIP and brief structure of dissertation. This chapter helps in understanding the VoIP system, key components, and protocols. It is good to understand the concepts and the technology when working on a new system. 2.1 Overview The generations have changed, so the way of communicating to your family, friends has changed. Not only quality is a concern but low cost is also an important factor for making calls. These are the few things which brought a lot of research work for Voice over internet protocol (VoIP). VoIP is a way sending voice packet over the internet. VoIP not only provides cheap calls but also provides better quality than before. 2.2 What is VoIP? VoIP is one of greatest invention in human kind; it basically allows transmission of human voice in the form of digital packet over a network. It is in demand due to lower call rates, implementation on a existing network, better quality than before. Many people, organisations have been consistently working on this technology to get a better performance of the service. This technology could be also implemented in a local area network. The process involves compressing and digitization of voice and transforming into Internet Protocol packets and sending the format over network. This is the process which is known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). [4] 2.3 VoIP History Computer to Computer calling begin in Israel in 1995 by vocaltech Software by name internet phone. This software was designed and used to make Voice calls [8]. The whole system consists of basic things such as speakers, modem, and sound cards. The voice signals were digitized, turned into voice packets, so that they could be travelled over the network and in the end, packets would be shifted back into voice signals. The overall quality was not at all good and not even near traditional phone calls. But still it is considered as a major milestone as it was birth of new technology. The designed software had to be installed on both systems (caller and receiver) to process the voice call. Therefore it was the birth of first IP phone. Later after few years in 1998, number of private companies, organisation started working and using this technology more effectively. It is valuable assets as it is due to provide cheap long distance calls, avoid high charges with traditional phone system. These companies were able to design and organize VoIP doors on the internet, which would allow cheaper calls through Computer to Computer and also from regular phone to phone. This enhancement brought more awareness of the technology, market profits among private organisation and investors. However on the other side general people were unknown with the technology due non availability of high speed internet connection in most of the areas. This was one of the main reasons that it couldnt get popular quickly. Enterprises, small organisation already started using the benefits of VoIP; communication with voice across the networks was deployed and used. As time passed more standards and protocols were introduced for better quality as VoI P in beginning stages was not a good quality [4]. In initially stages when it was introduced, it was not considered as a potential technology. In some parts of North America it was offered free, which allowed free phone calls using regular phone. Though it was not considered potential technology, it was slowly getting popular and accepted in various areas such as enterprises, general public. Finally it was a well known model by 1998, where VoIP was used about 1% of voice traffic and in just two years of time by the year 2000, it was used over 3 % of traffic. This growth was mainly due improvement in the system. [10]. VoIP is rapidly growing year by year. It is likely to reach around 300 million users of VoIP around the world. 2.4 Protocols A protocol can be defined as a combination or set of rules. These are necessary for data transmission by two or more computers over a network. These protocols determine data compression, acknowledgements, and error checking methods. [12] 2.4.1 Internet Protocol Internet protocol is the primary network protocol used across the network. By using this protocol the packets are sent across the network.It is a connectionless protocol which means each packet is travelling in the network is independent and is not related to any other unit. The connection oriented protocol transmission control protocol (TCP) handles all the packets. 2.4.2 H.323 The H.323 is one of the two important protocols used in VoIP. H.323 protocol is a standard designed by international telecommunications union (ITU), which sets rules for multimedia applications across the network. It is used for sending audio, data packets, and video over IP network, which basically means providing real time multimedia applications. It behaves as real time protocol and also non real time protocol. [6]. Most of the ITU-T terminal recommendations provide only terminals. However H.323 provides various components along with terminals on a network [13]. They are gateway, gatekeepers, and multiple control units. These components provide point to point/multipoint multimedia communications, when connected together. Below is the figure of H.323 architecture Figure: 1 H.323 architecture Ref [13] H.323 terminal The H.323 terminal is also known as client; usually it is a computer or internet phone with H.323 client. The H.323 terminal gives real time bidirectional video, voice, data interactions. H.225.0 is used to specify call signalling, packetization, synchronizations. On the other side H.245 is used to specify messages for opening and closing logical connections beside other commands [14]. Gate keeper Gatekeeper supports address translation and other access control for H.323 standards. H.323 is the standard that points the system; this protocol provides different types of services such as voice, video and packet transmission. A gatekeeper acts as routing manager, which is responsible for all end nodes in a particular area. [11] Gateway Gateway is a part of the VoIP system, which is used to modify audio and fax call in real time. Mainly it works between internet and plain old telephone system as a converter. This IP telephony gateway converts analogy signal into internet data packets and sends data as a regular data packet over a network. Once the packet is received on the receiver end, it is re converted into analogy voice signal. It allows regular telephone calls to be achieved through the internet and provides communication between Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and internet.[15] Multi Point Control Units Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) acts as a multipoint conference to establish a connection among three or more devices and gateways. It is usually integrated with a client , gateway. There are two elements associated to MCU, one is multipoint controller and second is multipoint processor. In this multipoint conferencing, two types of stages involved, centralized and decentralized. Centralized multipoint mode provides direct communication of H.323 devices to MCU in P2P method. Multipoint controller is used in a point to point call way and moreover it is also used to check if it has to multi cast or uncast the information such as audio and video. In the other mode decentralized multipoint, multicast method is used to transfer all data to other devices. The multi point control unit checks the readiness of all devices and sends different data streams [16]. 2.4.3 SIP It is a protocol used for modifying, terminating, establishing sessions over a network. It is also called as signalling protocol and mainly used for internet telephony VoIP calls. It is designed by the internet engineering task force (IETF) for real time transmission. There are different components in SIP.SIP is less weight than H.323 and moreover when it comes to flexibility, it is more flexible [17]. It can also used for video, audio, multimedia sessions. It is more popular and being adopted more due to more flexibility than H.323. The structure of SIP is same as of Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP); it follows the client server model [18] Main Components involved in SIP User Agent User Agent works as logical entity at SIP end station software. It acts as client when initialising session requests and acts as server when replying to a session request. It has the capabilities of initiating and answering calls. It also has the ability to save and manage call state that is why it is known as intelligent [4]. Proxy Server They are used as computers and requests are forwarded by them on the behalf of other computers. They are one kind of intermediate server, forwarding requests from the user to SIP server [4]. Figure: 2 an example of proxy server Ref [4] Redirect Server It is a second type of intermediate server. The main responsibilities of this server is to give name resolution and user location. It simply gives the information needed to start the originating client. Once it has been done, it is no more involved in the process [4] Registrar Server Registrar Server is a server that is used to register the location information from the user agent and saves the registration information. This sort of concept creates a directory for all logged and also specifies their location.[4] 2.5 QOS QOS is Quality of Service refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies, including Frame Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Ethernet and 802.1 networks, SONET, and IP-routed networks that may use any or all of these underlying technologies. The primary goal of Qos is to provide priority including dedicated bandwidth of service is most important part for any multimedia application. It is more considered in a private network such as connection of multiple offices than on worldwide internet. Initially, internet was known for sending email and file. However it is more than just sending files, now it has real time applications such as video, gaming, internet telephony. As the VoIP technology has evolved so much, there is more need for better Qos. Below table provides a list of Qos parameters [19]: For a successful VoIP deployment, Qos is an important tool. Bandwidth is one of important factor in VoIP, if enough bandwidth is provided; the voice quality will be more than just satisfied. This is the reason services in organisation doesnt need planned QOS as they have enough bandwidth. A successful VoIP deployment requires a careful examination and network assessment, as well as a system to measure and monitor the system in order to benefit from the cost savings, flexibility and functionality VoIP offers. There are five areas to consider when planning a VoIP deployment: Make sure the network can handle VoIP. Keep the deployment simple. Create network service maps and update service-level agreements. Consider QoE. Quality of experience (QoE) . Review, reassess and repeat. However as the network grows such as internet, more complications, issues arise as there are multiple services to be handled, several areas are to be covered, security is concerned. The aim is quite simple, IP telephony must meet the requirements of a user, which means voice quality should be similar to that of PSTN in such a way to retain same standards and satisfy the user expectations. When the voice signals are transmitted over the network, the data is divided into packets and transmitted across the network through network elements such as routers, switches. In this process to achieve better results, Qos is to be followed which would give importance to real time application over non real time applications.[20]. The main factors network analysis are mainly delay, jitter (variation in delay), and packet loss. Packet Loss: One of the very important factors in VoIP Qos is packet loss. This generally occurs when the packet is dropped during peak loads and congestion. This happens as VoIP packets are very sensitive of voice transmission. The main reason or largest cause of a packet loss is a packed being dropped due to overload in the network. This is the main factor which can significantly affect VoIP quality [22] Delay Delay is the key performance of QoS , which is needed to be reduced . End to end delay is the duration taken by a analog signal to transmit from the sender to receiver. Delay does not produce noise , however it affects the quality of conversation. When the delay reaches about 250ms, the telephonic conversation observes its impact. Between 300 ms and 500 ms the talk gets slightly difficult. Finally if it reaches above 500 ms makes an impossible communication. In VoIP the delay could be anywhere between 50 to 100 ms , however in POTS , the delay is generally under 10 ms.[22] Jitter Delay Variation sometimes also known as Jitter is the variation in packet delay. It is mainly the difference value between the delay of two consequent voice packets. In the internet terminology they can explained in a simple manner , if the packet n has delayed highly then chances are high for the packet n+1 also[21]. To reduce the delay between two queuing packets, a jitter buffer is used. This buffer stores arriving packets temporarily in order to reduce the difference value between two packets. For some reason, if the packets are delayed then it simply discards the packet. The acceptable value considered for jitter is between 0ms and 50ms and anything above this is not acceptable [18] done Techniques for jitter absorption 1. same playout time is set for all packets for whole session or for the duration of one session. 2. The second technique involves adaptive adjustment of the playout time during silence period related to present network. This technique is also called as talkspurts adjustment. 3. This technique is also known as within talkspurts adjustment. In this method constantly adapting the playout time for each packet, which needs the scaling of voice packets [15] 2.6 Initial VoIP Study and Design There are various real time applications running on internet, such as calling over PC, Video and voice. When deploying these services across networks, there are many difficulties and issues are faced. Some of them are directly related to QoS ; is the network capable of handling the new application and whether there will be any negative impact on existing services in the network. For real time application such as VoIP, which uses UDP as transport layer protocol, QoS is not guaranteed. Researchers are always working on these issues depending upon the real time application. In order to achieve good results, a good policy , QoS should be implemented. There are many things to be considered to give a high standard service. To begin packetization , delay , network design are few things to establish QoS.[7] However other things are signalling protocol , security, bandwidth, power failures. Certainly there are numerous methods available to achieve QoS. But it is really important to understand and estimate the requirement of this QoS by a particular system. Sometimes it is noticed by the engineers that spending on the network parameters is less than on QoS. As a result, it is important thing to consider before deploying, whether to design a QoS or not. 2.7 Components of VoIP Below figure gives an end to end VoIP system Components from sending point to receiving point. As seen in the figure the different components involved are encoder, packetizer, playback buffer, depacketizer , decoder. Voice is in the form of analog , which moves along the time , which usually is limited within 4kHz. Bandwidth [18]. The analog or audio signal is first converted into samples , which is a digital signal , which is then transmitted across the network [17]. Next to encoder it is packetizer , which encapsulates the digital samples into packets along with real time protocol (RTP),User Datagram Protocol(UDP),IP and Ethernet headers. Finally the digital packet moves into the network and passes through playback buffer. Playback buffer mainly used to absorb any kind of changes, delay. In final stages the packet enters depacketizer and then decoder which convert the digital signal into analog signal. Fig 3: source Assessing the Quality of Voice Communications Over Internet Backbones [17 ]. 2.8 CODEC A codec is software that converts analog signal into digital bits and transmits them as data across the network. These Codecs use high level methods for coding [12]. Table 2 : 2.9 Performance related QoS parameters. One of the most important metrics for QoS in VoIP is bandwidth. It plays an important role as the voice channels rely on the present bandwidth. Apart from this constraint, there are other important factors which also decide the quality of calls; they are loss of packets, delay and other variations. End to End delay It can be explained as the duration taken by the information to pass from the speaker or caller to the receiver. VoIP requires real time traffic transmission across the network and this transmission end-to-end delay is most important factor to decide QoS. ITU-T suggests that end-to-end delay should be less than 150ms for a high quality conversation [12] Bandwidth The bandwidth required to make a single call in one way is 64kbps. If the call is using G.711, the codec samples 20ms of voice for each packet. We need 50 packets to send per second. In addition to this packet, other headers of protocols are also added. They are real time protocol, user datagram protocol, internet protocol and Ethernet. In the end 226 bytes must be transmitted 50 times per sec. This value is only for one way. The total required bandwidth for each call is 100pps for both directions [19]. Call Distribution One of the very important factor before planning or designing is the calculation of internal and external calls. The call usage statistics plays an important role in VoIP deployment. The statistics would give a clear picture of nature of call, time, duration, peak time. In order to achieve best QoS , always a worst scenario should be considered. Like, busiest call transmitting time should be considered of the month. This would make sure that all other calls are provided with well planned QoS. 2.10 Advantages and Disadvantages There are many advantages associated with VoIP, especially when compared to PSTN it gives various benefits. The good thing about this technology is that it is not only beneficial to small and large enterprises but also for residential users. Low cost Most of the VoIP companies provide low calling cost for distant places, which are almost same as local call. Only condition is that the user must have broadband connection to use the VoIP service. Now a days most of the places such as homes, offices are equipped with internet connection. This is the main advantage with VoIP technology, as it does not need a completely new system to make cheaper calls. In some situations the calling cost will be absolutely free, even though the call will be an international call. Lets take the scenario where the user is using his or her computer connected with internet. In this process the user just needs software installed on the computer and also at the receiver end, software must be installed. The entire conversation between these two computers is free of cost. Multimedia Applications Apart from regular international calls VoIP service also provides unified messaging, real time applications such as audio and video conferencing, e-learning and other entertainment applications. VoIP has brought number of new things in the internet world. Corporate benefits VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is rapidly becoming a top choice for people wishing to avoid costly telephone service. For this reason it became more popular. The following are three top reasons for using VoIP. The reasons are Huge savings Options Its Not Going Anywhere VoIP calling can significantly remove all international charges for companies making distant calls overseas. These savings can be also included when calls are made within the organisations. But when it comes to international calling more savings are achieved. Especially for companies with data networks have an edge over the technology. With recent improvement in VoIP quality, call can be compared to PSTN and used as regular method of calling. Disadvantages However, there are still some disadvantages of VOIP especially when it comes to using the technology for functions beyond the one caller to one caller scenario. one of the disadvantage is If multiple users need to make VOIP calls, it can be difficult for the company to know exactly how much bandwidth to provide especially if internet access, video conferencing or other data transmission services are using the same path. Broadband connection A high speed internet service is necessary to run VoIP service; it is applicable for both enterprises and residential. If the internet speed is low, then quality of VoIP may degrade. Power outage One of the major drawbacks of VoIP is disconnection of service in power outage. Whereas PSTN works even when there is power outage. Comparatively PSTN is more reliable in such situation. However this situation can be controlled in VoIP by using generators to provide power. Chapter -3 Literature Review Related Work In order to provide more security the usage of VOIP network deployment is increased. Because of low price calls most of the enterprises uses network, it causes network congestion. To avoid network congestion we preferred VOIP network deployment system. After many researches, VOIP is issued in both wire and wireless. The demand of VOIP service has increased because of its security, performance, quality of service (QOS) and network infrastructure enhancement. This chapter mainly focused on research papers on VOIP deployment and present reviews of performance and quality of service (QOS) measurements. 3.1 VoIP Network Securities In general there are always problem with network attacks like denial of service, worms, network attacks which can be made by man and etc. similarly VOIP system can also faces the attacking problems and degrade the performance of voice services. Here we need to prefer intruder detection system which can handle the network oriented attacks efficiently. Even we will get attacks like spams on the mailing system. The main aim of denial of service is to interrupt the services from resources by making them unavailable to the user. Multi-Layered VoIP Security Because of threats attacks the quality of voice will be degrade, it causes the service useless. Denial of service and distributed denial of service attaches degrades the quality of voice. VoIP service introducing the greatest achievement by providing security in communication by control (signaling) and content (voice) parallel channels which together form the VoIP service. The attacks damage the whole service useless. 3.2 VoIP network Performance In communication world , a lot of research work is going on to evaluate VoIP performance by analyzing different inputs such as traffic, packet delivery time, receiving time, jitter and network congestion. In the reference [4], the author designed a network model using computer simulation. This research explains the network performance in respect to various available links and network. The VoIP performance review shows the loss patterns in terms of packet loss, delay time and network congestion, it measures the delay and loss characteristics. Kostas [5] deliberated the VoIP performance on different networks and they discuss the delay and loss measurement characteristics, they discuss founded on round trip delay measurements. The quality results can be seen with the delay and packet loss. 3.3 VoIP Quality of Services VoIP services are gradually adapting in to new level of services and used by different sectors. Currently there are some challenges for this technology. Anyone providing VoIP services should be able to achieve certain standards and quality of the service should satisfy the user. The availability of QoS is an important factor for the end users. Therefore understanding the issues related to QoS is one of the important factor , QoS parameters should be properly analysed and if any loop hole is found , it should be accordingly rectified. Cole et al. [6] propose a quality measurement method by studying the review on E-Model [7] by measuring the quintiles of delay and loss. Markopoulou et al. [8] employs subject quality measures to review internet backbone ability, this work is based on packet tracer which are able to present overall quality of VoIP. In this

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

There are many ways that TV commercial’s use to sell an item to a certain age group. This essay will focus on the main techniques that TV commercial’s use, even though they are main used but there are few that really focus on the foundation of the ad, these make the ad key and specific to a certain targeted audience. The three main supporting arguments are specific colors are used to make a certain toy or product so say if the product is headphones and they are black they will use a white background so the headphones stand out they make it look like no headphones ever made this pretty, and the angle’s they use say if the camera angle was only straight it wont look as exciting, and say if the angle was going across the screen and up and down it makes the product look better and second point with number one who using it makes a huge changes in product and the sale, say if Wayne Gretzky(Hockey player) was in commercial for a basket ball it would look as good if Michael Jordan was in that commercial because we all know who Wayne Gretzky and what he does so it makes difference. The last point is compare and contrast things wlike weight loss products they compare or a car like â€Å"you don’t want to be like this† or â€Å"you don’t want to drive in a car like thi s† they make you fee low and the other product they use like most car that people have like a Honda civic. There are a lot of factors that make an ad good and attractive one of the main factors is the back round colors, and the camera angle. Color is a big factor due to the fact that it brings out the attractiveness of a product; say if the product is blue (IPOD) and the back round is red it will show the true beauty that TV ads want you to see the iPod love. Say if 2 kids w... what and that’s what they want from us. They keep on releasing the new iPhone even thought most people have the 5, Apple still get sold out of the new iPhone, they don’t care who buy it or what your going to use it for they just want your money. Things like iPhone, iPad, ipod or the new Samsung phone what they like is it’s not a targeted audience. Anyone can buy the iPhone a ten year old all the way up to a 65 year old, so literally any one can buy it so if you look at the ads they us it’s not as detailed or work put in to it say something like Soccer ball commercial, because in the Soccer ball commercial they have to show a famous person using the ball and playing with it. In the iPhone Commercial they just have to show it and people will go crazy, and it wont cost nearly as much as the Soccer ball commercial that’s why new tech products ads are always on TV.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Seamus Heaney, the poet with extravagant creativity and strong emotional authority over his poems has designed two effective long poems, 'Digging' and 'Punishment'. While both the poems deal with fairly different issues, they do have some strong mutual connections which make engross readers into the dealings described in the poems. Both topics deal with great emotional holds and a bit of melancholy, 'Punishment' more so than 'Digging'. In the poems, the poet recollects past events and relates them greatly to the present activities. These are to be broadly discussed in the later parts of this piece, how the past has been adhered to the present and how this is affecting recent events. In Seamus Heaney's 'Digging', the speaker admittedly prefers writing to doing work in the garden like his father and grandfather did before him, mainly digging, though he still admires them for what they did. In the poet's latter poem, 'Punishment', the narrator is very melancholic over not being able to do anything about the unbearable cruelty humans convey towards other humans through horrific punishments that have been going on for centuries. One deals with a bit of sadness involving personal attachments while the other poem deals with sadness, but in great deal involving a issue in general. Past events play integral parts in both the poems and help continue to express the ideas intended by the poet. Title is probably the most important aspect of a poem or story other than the author's identity. It's the title that attracts the normal readers to check out a certain poem, considering the reader is not familiar with the author's stand in the world of poetry and writing. 'Digging' is probably the most suitable and logical title of the poem. But is the... ...'s had to receive and by observing those events through his eyes he can feel the sufferings of those women in his mind. Both these phrases are in my opinion the most significant parts of the respective poems, 'Digging' and 'Punishment'. Both the pieces are masterpieces created by Seamus Heaney which deal with the complexities of the social life a certain human may endure. Expertly devised, the poems bestow great insights into the minds of the speakers of the two poems and how past events have greatly mannered their respective lifestyles. Memories are hard to overcome and this fact has been greatly demonstrated in these two poems, and how thinking of the past can modify the mentality of a human being. The emotional impacts of both the poems are immense and very prominent, and we can only commend Seamus Heaney for presenting us with such intelligent pieces of writing. Essay -- Seamus Heaney, the poet with extravagant creativity and strong emotional authority over his poems has designed two effective long poems, 'Digging' and 'Punishment'. While both the poems deal with fairly different issues, they do have some strong mutual connections which make engross readers into the dealings described in the poems. Both topics deal with great emotional holds and a bit of melancholy, 'Punishment' more so than 'Digging'. In the poems, the poet recollects past events and relates them greatly to the present activities. These are to be broadly discussed in the later parts of this piece, how the past has been adhered to the present and how this is affecting recent events. In Seamus Heaney's 'Digging', the speaker admittedly prefers writing to doing work in the garden like his father and grandfather did before him, mainly digging, though he still admires them for what they did. In the poet's latter poem, 'Punishment', the narrator is very melancholic over not being able to do anything about the unbearable cruelty humans convey towards other humans through horrific punishments that have been going on for centuries. One deals with a bit of sadness involving personal attachments while the other poem deals with sadness, but in great deal involving a issue in general. Past events play integral parts in both the poems and help continue to express the ideas intended by the poet. Title is probably the most important aspect of a poem or story other than the author's identity. It's the title that attracts the normal readers to check out a certain poem, considering the reader is not familiar with the author's stand in the world of poetry and writing. 'Digging' is probably the most suitable and logical title of the poem. But is the... ...'s had to receive and by observing those events through his eyes he can feel the sufferings of those women in his mind. Both these phrases are in my opinion the most significant parts of the respective poems, 'Digging' and 'Punishment'. Both the pieces are masterpieces created by Seamus Heaney which deal with the complexities of the social life a certain human may endure. Expertly devised, the poems bestow great insights into the minds of the speakers of the two poems and how past events have greatly mannered their respective lifestyles. Memories are hard to overcome and this fact has been greatly demonstrated in these two poems, and how thinking of the past can modify the mentality of a human being. The emotional impacts of both the poems are immense and very prominent, and we can only commend Seamus Heaney for presenting us with such intelligent pieces of writing.