Monday, October 21, 2019

Natural environment Essay Example

Natural environment Essay Example Natural environment Essay Natural environment Essay Is racism still alive today? Yes it does. Racism is one of the worlds major issues today. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our schools workforces, and anywhere else where social lives are occurring. It is obvious that racism is bad as it was many decades ago but it sure has not gone away. Racism very much exists and it is about time that people need to start thinking about the instigations and solutions to this matter. Many people believe that it depends on if a person was brought into the world as a racist or not but that is not the case at all.In fact, an individual cannot be born a racist but only learn to become one as they grow from child to adulthood. Some of the basic causes that keep racism alive today are stereotypes, unfamiliarity, selfishness and environmental factors. One of the most common causes of racism is stereotypes. Through television, through radio, through the internet, through music, through books, and the like, the potential for ster eo types to build are a definite possibility. When a person, especially one that is very young, is exposed to stereotypes of a specific group for the first time, then that person will assume all are that way.Likewise, when a source is constantly displaying negative things about a particular race, then that will affect the overall opinions as well. Another very common, and probably the most common cause of racism is unfamiliarity. People fear what they do not know or understand. If someone hasnt grown up around a particular race before, then there is more of a chance the person can be racist toward that particular group. Not all the time, but when the person has already been fed negative stereotypes, and does not have the actual real life experiences with at least one within the particular group, then the chances of racism are increased.This is why it is important for children to be around other races at a young age: to ensure they get their minds used and adapted to being around the m, and also to help counterbalance any false stereotypes they may encounter in the future. Selfishness is another obvious cause of racism. Humans are sometimes very selfish creatures caring only about their own at the expense of others. If individuals arent taught how to respect others, then the potential for the person to become racist is increased as well. This is why you will find that most caring individuals arent racist. Neither are they sexist or anything else.The lastly and probably the most surprising cause of racism is environmental causes. We are all made different biologically and genetically. Our physical environment can affect our biology and therefore, in many cases, affect our minds. This does not mean freewill and choice are not options, but that an individuals potential for racism could possibly be increased through certain environmental factors unknown to man. By default, racism is non-existent. However, things such as improper health maintenance, excess chemicals, head injuries, or other factors may help contribute to it.This should not be used as an excuse that racism has to persist, but more of a better chance to cure racism by enhancing biological health and medical technology, rather than thinking it can only be done by other means. Those are the 4 main causes of racism. As previously stated, racism is one of the most revolting things that paralyses humanity. To cure racism permanently, we must first address the root problems, which are: stereotypes, unfamiliarity, selfishness, and environmental aspects. When we cure and address those things, we will cure racism as well.We all have to learn, and to understand that we are all equal, that we all share the same planet, and that we have the same climate. People and their cultures depend on each other. Racism is a kind of illness. The society cannot get rid of it because there are still too many people who do not understand that we all live under the same sun, breathe the same air, and share the same world.Bibliography oppapers. com/subjects/racism-is-still-alive-page1. html http://voices. yahoo. com/racism-still-alive-today-29941. html? cat=9 democraticunderground. com/discuss/duboard. php? az=view_all;amp;address=3896589799

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