Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Stradegy hrm 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stradegy hrm 3 - Essay Example 3. Specific objectives and planned actions for the development of each skill. In the context of the development of the above skills, there are a series of objectives that need to be achieved. Also, certain actions have to take place ensuring that these skills will be developed within the specific time period, i.e. within the academic year that follows. The objectives related to the development of the above skills would be categorized as follows: a) for developing the self-management skills, the following objectives should be met: a1) improvement of the ability of self-organizing in terms of tasks allocated, meaning the identification of the activities included in these tasks and the development of a feasible plan for their completion, a2) improvement of time management skills, meaning the identification of the time availability for each task so that deadlines for all activities to be met, a3) improvement of resource management skills, i.e. the capability to identify early the appropr iate resources required for the completion of a task, the allocation of these resources and their successful engagement to the planned actions. b) For developing my technical skills, the following objectives should be achieved: b1) improvement of the ability to identify the technology required for the successful completion of a task, b2) improvement of the ability to face any potential failure of this technology, i.e. to be prepared for such failure so that in case that such failure occurs, its effects on my activities to be minimized, b3) increase of my understanding how technology could help increasing the quality and effectiveness of projects in various fields, b4) improvement of my skills to manage the technology required for the completion of a task – referring to my skills as a user. c) Finally, for developing my interaction skills, the objectives that would be achieved are the following ones: c1) increase of ability to work as part of a team for the completion of a par ticular task, c2) increase of my ability to communicate effectively with the groups of the team of which I am a member, c3) increase of the ability to handle crises as a member of a team – referring to crises related to the development of a particular task, for example the non-availability of a resource which is of critical value for the completion of a particular task or the change of a deadline so that the time available for the development of a project to be minimized, c4) increase of responsibility as member of a team for the tasks allocated, either to the team or to me as a member of the team. As for the planned actions necessary for achieving the above objectives, these would include: a) the objectives related to the development of self-management skills would be achieved by improving the methods used when working on academic tasks, by increasing the time spent on the completion of these tasks and by developing the cooperation with other colleagues when group tasks are allocated; at the same time, academic studies related to the specific subject – self-management skills – will be studied, at the level that they would help to identify activities through which my self-management would be further increased; b) the objectives related to the development of technical competencies would be achieved through the following actions: b1) increase of use of

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